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Everything posted by chucK

  1. Damn! This is gonna hurt. 7-10 year olds went up $23/day (from $5 to $28). Ouch! Not to mention the price went up the usual increment for adults. Maybe Alpental this year?
  2. Oooo yeah! Really steep heather covered with about 4" of snow. Sweet!
  3. outstanding!
  4. Weren't you just a page or two ago complaining that people with unhealthy habits (like eating too much fatty food) are causing us all horrible consequences like putting our health care costs through the roof? And now you're making fun of yourself two pages later?
  5. I'm not sure where I first got involved in this or where it is going but here are some points. 1. People who think their shit don't stink are infuriating. And I wish they'd either get out of the (risk) pool or just shut up and enjoy the water. 2. Obesity does seem to be a serious problem. I'm glad people are trying to work on it. I'm thanking whom or whatever that I am not obese. 3. I think insurance works best if you have fairly broad and prospectively verifiable criteria for inclusion. If you make the criteria too tight, you'll have too much invasion into your privacy and into what you can do to be able to get insurance. You'll be screwed if you actually need insurance bad (you're high risk). You'll be much more susceptible to being denied claims later on by the insurance company saying something wasn't right at some time in the past, in which case it'll be too late.
  6. Look man, if you don't realize that bike commuting is putting you at some serious risk of disability or death over the long term then you are just not being realistic. Ditto that with respect to frequent alcohol consumption. Most everybody ('cept maybe that robot Builder206) has their poison. You input risk-years with your bike-commuting, your climbing, your drinking, other? Fatties do it by eating and sloth. Refusing to accept that you are contributing at all and everybody else is fucking you is unbelievably delusional and/or egotistic. Lucky for you, no one is forcing medical insurance on you (until Hillary is elected ). You should just opt out since you're not at risk.
  7. KkkKk, The point is, that YOU are increasing the costs in my insurance pool by engaging in your dangerous activities. By your arguments you should be paying more for your hazardous activity. You don't get something for nothing. If you want insurance, you have to assume everyone else's risk too.
  8. How many people fifteen years younger than you are YOU spongeing off of? You bike commute to work, IN THE DARK and IN THE RAIN!!! You probably have way more chance of being a vegetable on life support for the next 50 years than any of those fatties that you are worrying about paying for. Their biggest risk is dying of a heart attack. Short, sweet, little insurance payout. Insurance is sharing the risk. You are buying the service of not having to worry about going bankrupt due to some illness/injury. Insurance is not about getting lower cost medical care for you and you only.
  9. What exactly are these "huge" consequences on all of us?
  10. You go girl!
  11. Is that a yellow C4 or a yellow old style, or perhaps the yellow camalot with the double stem? Or, fuck, I dunno, I may be thinking of a gold camalot (the old style, but not the really old style).
  12. chucK


    Hail, that's where Genl Sherman is for what he done to Etlanta
  13. chucK


    They were fleeing the crows.
  14. There you go again! PC PC PC!
  15. Hee hee. KkkKkk is being politically correct!
  16. No, not Clinton. JH is referring to the short period of time when congress acted up and told Bushco not to torture, and the secret prisons thing got all the world in such a dither. At that time Bushco coughed up a bunch of guys that were previously disappeared and dumped them in Guantanamo. So at that time Bushco appeared to comply, but it has now come out that they have continued doing this stuff in secret (it's been in the news recently, in the last month).
  17. chucK

    dead crow

    ... 'cept those damn crows!
  18. chucK

    dead crow

    So you getting a surprise when you get back from work this evening, or will the wind have shared the wealth?
  19. chucK

    dead crow

    Sounds like good premise for that stupid fucking Mythbusters show.
  20. chucK

    dead crow

  21. chucK

    dead crow

    Get a better garbage can you ignoramus. How embarrassing to be stupider than crows. oops, beaten to the punch
  22. chucK

    dead crow

    "No shovel"? Nice excuse. You could have just stomped him, man. ...and rats are smart too, though not so cool. and.. Homer: "Weasling out of stuff is important to learn. It is what separates humans from the animals. Except for the weasels."
  23. Well you could probably justify it by deciding that the country really does need an AG and a functioning Dept. of Justice. Though this guy has perhaps shown his true colors, he's better than Alberto G and probably going to be better than anybody who is an interim appt. You never know. He may have gotten the talking-to last night by Bushco about his testimony yesterday (though he denies this), and now he's just fibbing a bit so Bushco doesn't pull him. Then when he gets in, he'll really stick it to those fuckers.
  24. Well maybe not. It depends on if he had a good reason or not (and whether I believe him). Lots of people (me especially) have to bail once in a while on planned climbing outings. It is unfortunate, but sometimes shit happens.
  25. Yeah, but you'll still label calling Rush some bad names Stalinism. ...and why should it be up to our next president to put a stop to it? Why shouldn't Bush do it?
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