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forcing abortions


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The "implication" is going to be whatever you decide it is. One thing that's really clear from these many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many sprayfests you get into is that you make it up as you go.. and unless one finds himself super bored with absolutely nothing better to do, there's not much point to trying to enjoy any kind of debate like that.


So relish another illusory spray victory.. 'cause you totally win.






im pretty open to logical argument. obviously you are not. cheers! :kisss:

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The "implication" is going to be whatever you decide it is. One thing that's really clear from these many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many sprayfests you get into is that you make it up as you go.. and unless one finds himself super bored with absolutely nothing better to do, there's not much point to trying to enjoy any kind of debate like that.


So relish another illusory spray victory.. 'cause you totally win.




Too many manys on the dancefloor. I'd just go with lebenty leben million next time.


You guys think the Bible is nonsense, try wading through the Book of Mormon. Holy Moroni that shit is like a stroll through a blackberry patch in your whities.


Fortunately, the Bible is just thick enough to start a wood burning stove with.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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While up at HLP last time I took in the Jehovah's Witness Bible guide before an evil Jew through it in the stove. Interesting and significant twist on Kristianity - they believe Judgement day will last a thousand years, and everyone, including the dead, will rise up (fortunately with new bodies) and get a second chance to save themselves by loving God etc. Everyone who makes the cut it lives happily forever on Earth - which doubles for Heaven at that point.


They do not believe in a 'soul', but do believe that your, uh, whatever you want to call it, goes back to the universal UPS warehouse for recycling come Judgement Day, er, Millenia. How that's different from the whole 'soul' thing was not explained.


They also believe that Da Debbil, not God, rules the Earth today. Hence - all the misery. I guess God just said 'fuck it' when that bitch Eve seduced innocent Adam into biting that apple.


This seems to be a much more forgiving philosophy than the Born Again 'One strike, yer out' crowd. God's more of a decent, if somewhat incompetent and lily livered sort.


No blood transfusions, thought, because blood is sacred or some shit (there's a chapter/verse citation, as there always is for this kind of fucked up conclusion). Better to die early than burn in Hell blah blah. Good luck with that!

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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