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battery "acid" question

Paul Krugman

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After a recent climb of Prusik Peak, I noticed my headlamp had some strange white residue on the outside (see below). Upon further inspection, I found that one of the (AAA alkaline) batteries had ruptured. Unfortunately, both the rack and rope were stored in the same backpack as the headlamp after the climb (I only later noticed the leakage, but it's quite possible that some occurred while everything was in the same backpack). I typically keep my headlamp in the lid, though, and I don't think the headlamp came into direct contact with any of the climbing gear after it started leaking.


Out of an abundance of caution, I'm planning to retire the rope and slings, resling the cams, and clean all the metal gear (none of which shows any signs of damage). Any opinions on whether this goes too far or not far enough (given the uncertainty in how much the gear was exposed to the battery juice)?





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I'm not sure if that residue from crapped out alkaline batteries is acidic or not. Perhaps research that. Of course too alkaline can be just as bad!


Another arguement for MiMH rechargeables - they tend not to leak like alkalines, and the good ones like Eneloops last longer.

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Actually Alkaline batteries are oddly enough Alkaline as opposed to lead-acid batteries like a car battery. The white stuff is potassium hydroxide which is a strong base.


That said, I have no idea what the effect on nylon is. If it were my gear I might wash it but given the very small amount of material leaked and the very small chance of contact I probably wouldn't worry that much. It's not as if anything was soaked with it and it's a solid and can be brushed/washed (diluted) off. But I don't know anything and will probably die. You might actually get BD to do an unscientific test if you ask nice.

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