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[TR] Even More Rat Creek Ice - 3/17/2012


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Trip: Even More Rat Creek Ice


Date: 3/17/2012


Trip Report:

Why not another trip up Rat Creek? Why ski some wide open, 40 degree bowl on this wonderful new powder when you can descend non-continuous slopes of interspersed slide alder and dense trees whose twigs threaten to take out your eyes? You would if you knew you could get a fun pitch of climbing in along the way. But after today, I'm still not convinced I would forgoe the 40 degree open powder bowl.


Kyle Flick, Jake EVans and I trekked up Rat Creek, today to tackle a pitch of ice. This would be Kyle's third consecutive trip up there, my second in three weeks, and Jake's first. Yes. That's right. 3,000 vf to access one (1) pitch of ice. I'm not good enough to even guess at ice grades, so I'll let the photos tell the story.


This time differed from our previous trip up Rat Creek two weeks ago. On that trip, Kyle and I spotted a cool looking patch of ice on an overhanging rock, 1 1/2 mile skin up the drainage.


It had snowed more than we would have guessed. All told, there was about a foot and a half of fine powder goodness down Rat Creek. Here's a shot looking back at Icicle Ridge.




First look at the ice. We climbed the center pillar, traversing in from the left since the ice below didn't connect with the ground.



The ice on the right is a huge, free hanging pillar due the rock's overhanging face. Unfortunately, this pillar did not touch down fully to the ground, and was dripping water the whole day. Here is a three photo autostitch.



We chose to start on the ice on the left, and traverse to the steeper ice on the right. I found a two inch layer of brittle ice covering the good, solid ice. Jake got a few photos of my lead, which is always a pleasant surprise.



Nearing the top.



The rap down was free-hanging and quite the fun experience.



One last look back at the ice, with the Blockhouse way above.



And this time, the skiing was actually very fun for quite a ways down. I only had to take my skis off once to boot by the Rat Creek Dome.




Okay, I'm done with Rat Creek. I can't speak for Jake and Kyle though. But I think I can be convinced in a couple weeks to get some skiing in around Coney Lake!




Edited by telemarker
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Pretty cool! Rat Creek seems to be becoming the "Strobach" of Der Worth, where climbing ice isnt about the ice limbing, but the whole package. That route on te right side seems a monster, an must form some years complete if its in that shape now!

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...I'm really pleased that you got to ski ALL the way to the car John & Kyle. I'd be interested to know how long it took you John??

I got out about 5.30, after swearing at every boulder, tree, and undulation my idiot splitboarding self encountered.

I've gotta learn to ski.

Weather was great though.




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Yes, much skiing/ split skinning pain. Kyle was babysitting me out, but it was too humiliating falling down that drainage in public so I sent him packing. Nice guy that he is, he waited at the lot for me to get out (or maybe he wanted his rope back). Ha. Snowshoes would have been easier in Le Rat for a ski-novice.

Anyway, enough moaning from me. Great day, good company, strong lead!


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Pretty cool! Rat Creek seems to be becoming the "Strobach" of Der Worth, where climbing ice isnt about the ice limbing, but the whole package. That route on te right side seems a monster, an must form some years complete if its in that shape now!


Well put about Rat Creek. And that right hand pillar looks so cool on the approach, but standing underneath it looking up, that's a different matter. That would be a ballsy lead.

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