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Interview question?


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I just got called back for the second round of interviews (well maybe third, since there was a phone interview, then a panel/scenario interview), and I am unsure what to expect....


How does a second round really differ from a panel/initial interview? Do I need to prepare any differently? It is for a job in the medical field, and this will be the last interview before a decision is made about hiring.



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Telling us more about it than just "a job in the medical field" and a "panel/scenario interview" might give us more to go on.


"Medical field" is a wide open category. What's the specific position to which you are applying? Are you a surgeon? An anesthesiologist? A counselor? ANP? RN? PA? Candy Striper? A little more detail on the actual position under consideration would help if you want a serious answer...


Regarding the interviews you've already had, who was on the panel (job title/description)? How many were on the panel? Were any that were on the panel also part of the scenario interview or the phone interview? Who's the common face here (by job title/description) that you keep seeing as you move along in the interview process?


How much time did they tell you to reserve for Monday's interview? Do you have a specific time to show up, or are you just showing up first thing in the morning? Are there others that are still under consideration? If yes, are they all showing up at the same time as you? Or do they have different appointment times? Answers to these questions can tell you a lot about what may be coming up for you.


Have you met any people in upper/supreme positions of power in any of your interviews to date? Maybe the hospital administrator, or insurance adjustor, or chief of surgery (or whoever) wants to meet you and ask some pointed questions. Who knows? Without some more detail on the position, all we can do is supply you with hunches and guesses, which you clearly don't need.


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If my wife's hiring process is any example, by the time they've called you in for a sit-down interview they've winnowed the applicants to two or three potential hirings. They're all competent enough to do the job, but now they're trying to pick out the one who's going to fit in best with the team. Its less about your job skills and more about your personality and character. They're also pretty upfront about this if you ask.

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It is for a paramedic position in a large city (primary 911 calls go to these guys). The phone interview was very brief but was with a hospital HR person, and at the end of that talk she said they wanted to have a face to face. The panel interview consisted of a paramedic, a supervisor, and the assistant director. It lasted about 35 minutes and was the fairly generic why do you want this job, tell us about overcoming a challenge, tell us about solving a problem/challenging call... Then there was 4 scenario questions that I had to write answers to.


Clearly it went well enough that I got called back for a second and final interview. It is scheduled for an hour in length, but I am unsure who it will be with and the format (I've sent an email asking about the format, so that I don't show up in a suit and then have to do a physical fitness test).


I did my field training with this group and so I am quite familiar with the organization, and have meet many of the people before (if they remember me). But I REALLY want the job and so I am trying to put in as much effort as possible. Hopefully they'll let me know the format which will probably answer a few of my questions, but I was just trying to figure out the main goal of a second interview, which Chris (and others) have said to be the personal character and how well you fit within a company.

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I think there's a good chance it could be with the Director of Paramedicine at the hospital or someone in a higher up position; comparable to the "Chief's Interview" in a firefighter hiring process. It might just be a meet-and-great where the interviewer is going to affirm or disaffirm the panel's candidate ranking. Or it could be a situation where the interviewer is looking to narrow down the pool for a final hiring decision. At any rate, I'd wear a suit unless you hear specifically otherwise.

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Now that you've told us what's happened so far and with whom, I agree with Pete's hypothesis and it's a meet'n'greet with a hospital higher up, like I suggested in my last paragraph above.


And like chris sez, it's probably just to see if you "fit" in their organization and to confirm the panel's selection.


Lastly, I agree with Pete. Wear the suit unless you get G2 that tells you to dress otherwise.


Good luck, man!

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