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John Scurlock and Steph Abegg- SAC- 2/7/12, 7pm


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Two noted northwest mountain photographers, Steph Abegg and John Scurlock, will collaborate on a special presentation at the February 7th meeting of the Skagit Alpine Club. Steph will give a slideshow on their joint six-day aerial photography adventure in September, 2011, amongst the massive and rugged Canadian Rockies. Highlights include Mt. Robson, Kakwa Provincial Park, Jasper National Park, Columbia Icefield, Valhallas, Bugaboos, Mt. Assiniboine, and more. John will also discuss the making of his new book, "Snow & Spire: Flights to Winter in the North Cascade Range". Copies of the book will be available as well, with proceeds going to benefit the SAC. Please join us for what is sure to be an amazing show!!

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And before any angry e-mountaineers chime in, yes I know that the photo is of the Bugaboos, and yes, the Bugs aren't part of the Rockies. Most of the photos Steph will be presenting will be from the Rockies proper though, so please take a deep breath.

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Hey everybody, this it TOMORROW night! Hope to see a bunch of folks there. If you already have a book, feel free to bring it for John to sign. Books will also be for sale at the show, with proceeds going to benefit the Skagit Alpine Club.

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WOW! What a great turnout tonight for the show. Thanks again to Steph and John for coming out and dazzling us with great stories and images. John signed and sold every copy he brought, for good reason- it's incredible.


Buy John's book!!!!

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