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It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The citizen most certainly can fight the government, and usually wins when he tries. Organized national armies are useful primarily for fighting against other organized national armies. When they try to fight against the people, they find themselves at a very serious disadvantage. If you will just look around at the state of the world today, you will see that the guerillero has the upper hand. Irregulars usually defeat regulars, providing they have the will. Such fighting is horrible to contemplate, but will continue to dominate brute strength.


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The definitive example of this would have to be the Continental Army. At guerrilla warfare, the Continentals were very successful; however, when they faced the British on the battlefield they were at a disadvantage.


I am amused to hear of miscreants in the Holy War being "brought to justice." We can certainly attempt to punish a man for his misdeeds, but we cannot bring him to justice unless we know what justice is, and that is a tough thing to define. Plato started out by saying that justice is "giving to each man that which he deserves," and that is a reflexive definition without meaning. It may be vulgar, but the tried-and-true battle cry "Let's get the bastards" seems much more to the point.

coop [Moon]

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