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As if on cue, while the "Budget Supercommittee" dithers and can't come up with cuts or taxes in a coherent manner. As the Fed is privately owned, doesn't it make you wonder where they got all that money? (hint, your pocket). Hopefully no one tells those occupy folks - they'd totally go off. Think of it as your legacy to your kids.


..and their kids....



and their kids kids.....lets borrow another billion dollars for "stimulus". not


Looks like the next election will clearly define if we go "Tax and Spend" in the classic dem mode or just "borrow and spend" like Bush and Obama. Nothing to see here.





"November 16, 2011


(CNSNews.com) - At the close of business on Tuesday, the debt of the federal government exceeded $15 trillion for the first time--with the largest single owner of the publicly held portion of that debt being the Federal Reserve.


Over the past year, as the Federal Reserve massively increased its holdings of U.S. Treasury securities and entities in China marginally decreased theirs, the Fed surpassed the Chinese as the top owner of publicly held U.S. government debt.


In its latest monthly report, the Federal Reserve said that as of Sept. 28, it owned $1.665 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities. That was more than double the $812 billion in U.S. Treasury securities the Fed said it owned as of Sept. 29, 2010.


Meanwhile, as of the end of this September, entities in mainland China owned $1.1483 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities, according to data published today by the U.S. Treasury Department. That was down slightly from the $1.1519 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities the Chinese owned as of the end of September 2010, according to the same Treasury Department report.


Thus, at the end of September 2010, the Chinese owned about $339.9 billion more in U.S. Treasury securities than the Fed owned at that time. By the end of September 2011, the Fed owned about $516.7 billion more in U.S. Treasury securities than the Chinese owned.


The U.S. Treasury Department divides the federal government’s debt into two general categories: debt held by the public—the type owned by the Chinese and the Federal Reserve—and “intragovernmental debt,” which consists of what essentially are IOUs the Treasury gives to government trust funds such as the Social Security trust when it takes and spends their money on other things.


The current total national debt of $15.0336 trillion, reported by the Treasury today, consists of approximately $10.3145 trillion in debt held by the public and $4.7191 trillion in intragovernmental debt.


The combined $2.8133 trillion in U.S. government debt held by the public that is now owned by the Federal Reserve and the Chinese equals more than 27 percent of all U.S. government debt held by the public.


Currently, foreign entities, including those in China, own $4.6603 trillion of the U.S. government debt held by the public. These foreign entities, together with the Federal Reserve, own a combined $6.3253 trillion of the U.S. government’s debt held by the public.


That $6.3253 trillion in Federal Reserve-and-foreign-held debt equals more than 61 percent of the U.S. government’s publicly held debt."

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Damn....we've borrowed so much more by now it's almost ridiculous.


Wonder what we've been spending all that money we've been borrowing from the Fed on to support those "essential government services". Oh, here ya go. Spying on the occupy kids and free speech protestors. Your tax dollars, plus another 40% borrowed to make up the shortfall, at work. Think of it as an "investment" in the future. http://rt.com/usa/peaceful-demonstrators-spying-security-250/


Doubts over Department of Homeland Security surveillance are nothing new - especially after a Senate committee found “fusion centers” were breaching civil liberties. Now, documents show the agency spies on peaceful demonstrations "as a matter of policy."


The latest round of documents, acquired by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) through a Freedom of Information Act request, provide concrete evidence of routine DHS surveillance of peaceful demonstrations.


The 'fusion centers' and DHS ‘Mega Centers’ were said to be born as part of a post-9/11 bid to coordinate intelligence gathering efforts among local police, the DHS and the FBI on anti-terrorism efforts.


Now, according to the thousands of pages of documents received by the PCJF, we know that these centers did, in fact, assist in coordinating intelligence gathering - though in this case, on the Occupy movement and other free speech protests.


According to the PCJF, the new material includes details of DHS surveillance of protests in Asheville, North Carolina; Miami, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale and Jacksonville, Florida; Lansing and Detroit, Michigan; Denver, Colorada; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Angeles; Boston; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Minneapolis;Jersey City; Phoenix, Arizona; Lincoln, Nebraska; Chicago; Salt Lake City and elsewhere.


In addition to simple surveillance, documents also reveal a more proactive approach taken in other instances:


“In preparation for planned protests in New York City on October 15, 2011, the DHS documents show coordination between federal and local authorities to use New York City’s permitting scheme to frustrate, obstruct or stop free speech activities.”


The PCJF also believes that its FOIA released documents indicate instances of “off the books” - that is, illegal - intelligence collection:


As one DHS agent writes in response to a request for information on the Occupy movement in New England, “This meeting should be finishing up soon and I'll have access to a non-DHS computer that will allow me to do more looking.”


So, is this more evidence of the DHS missing the mark on its principal mission, which is to concentrate its efforts on terrorist concerns?


According to the Senate’s bipartisan Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which released its findings following a two-year long probe of the matter, “more often than not” information collected and shared at DHS fusion centers was “unrelated to terrorism.”


The whole Senate report portrayed many of the Homeland Intelligence Reports (HIRs) circulated by DHS between its fusion centers as dubious at best:


“Of the 386 unclassified HIRs that DHS eventually published over the 13-month period reviewed by the Subcommittee investigation, a review found close to 300 of them had no discernible connection to terrorists, terrorist plots or threats.”


Much like the ultimate findings of that Senate report, the PCFJ is left wondering why the DHS Threat Management Division directed Regional Intelligence Analysts to produce a “Daily Intelligence Briefing” that included a category on “Peaceful Activist Demonstrations.”

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