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Monday's a little slow for Spray


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C'mon. It's Columbus Day. Anyone care to sling some shit about how un-PC Columbus was (I think he did a good job)? C'mon, you know you want to. Trask and I are collecting old tires for an Arbor Day bonfire; please PM Trask if you have submissions.


<sigh> I am F#%king bored at work and it is sunny...


Greg W

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When I am much older and complain to the doctor about the arthritis in my hands and wrists (which I don't have now, but am sure to get) I'm sure they will tell me it was from all the climbing that I am doing, but in reality it will be from sitting in front of this damn computer for 40+ hours a week. Keyboards, mice, monitors, etc. and WORK all suck. [Mad]


Yet another beautiful day in which I should be outside instead of here at work. If only I worked for the government and had today off.....

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My wife worked for seven years as the tribal librarian at the Nisqually Tribe near Olympia. They always got Columbus Day off as a holiday, with the admonition from the administration: "People, this isn't a holiday, its a day of mourning." PC or not, you know you'd be bumming Greg if someone came in with a tank and discovered and claimed your house. [laf] Invasion is the history of mankind, and part of the spoils is writing the history. Nothing new there, and I don't think anyone should feel guilty about it 500 years later. Nonetheless, Indians are still holding the shit end of the stick, and much of what people currently decry as "special rights" (fishing, hunting, some small choice real estate parcels here and there) are in fact negotiated treaty rights intended as exchange for loss of property. Me, I'm just pissed off that the banks and post offices are closed. [laf]

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Greg, dude! I just picked up two truckloads of empty plastic 55 gallon drums that we can throw on the fire. They had some industrial chemical shit in them, but the dude that gave them to me said not to worry about it. Fuck man, these bad boys and the tires you're collecting, and we'll have our own "Burning Man"! Sweet [Cool][big Drink]

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Originally posted by trask:

Greg, dude! I just picked up two truckloads of empty plastic 55 gallon drums that we can throw on the fire. They had some industrial chemical shit in them, but the dude that gave them to me said not to worry about it. Fuck man, these bad boys and the tires you're collecting, and we'll have our own "Burning Man"! Sweet
[Cool][big Drink]

Bring it!!!!!

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by Off White:

who can hold onto a flaming plastic milk jug the longest

I want to share something vital

I just read in this self-help book

I took from the trash can

in the ladies' room at the

House of Pancakes.

Will, by G. Gordon Liddy,

Master of the Watergate caper.


My new guru.

Who, when holding his hand

over a lit candle, said,

"The trick is not to mind it."


I have set as my goal

to get so strong

I could peel onions

all day long

and never shed one tear--


I want my skin to thicken

so if I'm panic-stricken

when post-nuke day gets here

I won't even feel the fear

as I watch me and the world disappear.


The trick is not to mind it--

if you're looking for peace

this is where you'll find it.


For life

is like that candle flame

and we

are like Gordon Liddy's hand


over it.


And it hurts

like hell,


but the trick


is not


to mind it.

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