hollyclimber Posted August 27, 2001 Posted August 27, 2001 Beck! You are the man...I can handle the 2 block walk from my office to that pub! I hope everyone else can handle the adventure into the city... Parking is free on the street starting at 6 pm...so for those of you coming in from outside the downtown area, thats a good time to snag a parking spot. I can offer rides home to people in the W Seattle or Beacon Hill area. I'll have seatbelts for 3 passengers, and a dog crate for Beck! (just kidding) Quote
lisa Posted August 27, 2001 Posted August 27, 2001 Sounds great! I know a great place in Fairhaven, Bhm. I know julie mentioned a Friday eve would be better for Bhm, of course, that would have to be after the holiday wknd coming up. I think Friday would be better so folks can crash up here if they like, or head on to the hills for some adventure. What do you BC buds think of that?? Is it only you Dru? You must have some friends that would be willing to join you? Quote
jules Posted August 27, 2001 Posted August 27, 2001 Lisa, I can come up to B'ham Friday Sept 7th! Quote
Lambone Posted August 27, 2001 Posted August 27, 2001 Damn, got to work again Someday i'll catch you guys/ and girls Quote
EddieE Posted August 27, 2001 Posted August 27, 2001 Maybe we should all get trashed, go to V-World and do our best to get lambone fired. That way you won't have that excuse any more See ya'll there. I got room for people headed back to Ballard afterwards. [This message has been edited by EddieE (edited 08-27-2001).] Quote
Beck Posted August 27, 2001 Author Posted August 27, 2001 Allright, it's Bellingham Friday the 8th!Let's go climbing Saturday afterwards! Quote
lisa Posted August 27, 2001 Posted August 27, 2001 Yea!! I'll be proud to host a shindig here, I hope some of the others will join us! Quote
carolyn Posted August 28, 2001 Posted August 28, 2001 awww, Im going to miss you in Bellingham...Im heading up there from Portland on Sunday or Monday (9th/10th). Have a GREAT time, though! Quote
Beck Posted August 28, 2001 Author Posted August 28, 2001 hear ye, hear ye, barring consensus dissent, the next meeting of the Cascade Climbers "We're Drinking Now" Pub Club is hearby called for 5:30 on tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug 28 downtown Seattle at the historical Pike Place Bar and Grill overlooking the Pike Place Market clock. Buck fifty drafts of Budwiser from 4 to 7P.M. for all us cheap farts out there, easy to find in downtown Seattle. 1507 1st Ave right at the main enterance of the Pike Place Market at First and Pike. I-5 north or south, take Stewart St (from S) or Union St. (from N) downtown exits, head W from appox 7th ave to 1st Ave. Find free parking on street somewhere near the Market, Look for the Pike Place Bar and Grill right at the corner of First and Pike just behind Pike Place Flowers. Next week I hope someone in Bham, Everret or T- town for next weeks Pub Club, I know my friend Garomer can probably make a Bellingham meet Tues the 18th if that interests our Canook/ North brethren out here. Quote
chelle Posted August 28, 2001 Posted August 28, 2001 Thanks Beck for taking the lead and keeping us organized. Eddie I'll take you up on a ride back to Ballard afterwards. Cheers. Michelle Quote
hikerwa Posted August 28, 2001 Posted August 28, 2001 If anyone is making it earlier, I will be there around 4:30-5...and I hate to drink alone, although I'll work through my fears and do it if I have to. sean Quote
hikerwa Posted August 28, 2001 Posted August 28, 2001 beer...beer...beer...beer...friends...beer...soon...soon.... Quote
Beck Posted August 29, 2001 Author Posted August 29, 2001 sean, I'll come early and run beer sprints with you as I close up shop. Beck Quote
hikerwa Posted August 29, 2001 Posted August 29, 2001 Good idea Beck! I'll meet you at your shop, I need to look at your camera gear anyway.... (maybe they'll fill me a nalgene bottle for a couple bucks...) sean Quote
chelle Posted August 29, 2001 Posted August 29, 2001 Happy to report that we had another great gathering of the pub club last night. We initiated another couple of new faces. Mark Young and Dave Parker, glad you could make it. Tall tales were told and many brews were savored... Hey Sean, for those of us that can't make the Bellingham bash next Friday are you willing to host a gathering at the Alki pub you mentioned? I recall something about $2.50 pints of microbrew on Tuesday nights... Let us know. Michelle Quote
Dwayner Posted August 29, 2001 Posted August 29, 2001 Cascade Climbers Pub Club...a name that is quickly becoming the alpine equivalent of the Emmy's or Oscar's. For those who weren't there, it was another star-studded evening of climbing celebrities, this time meeting at the exclusive Pike Place Bar and Grill in Seattle. Once again, the congenial "Beck" was the unofficial host, this time decked out in full country attire including a designer Southwestern chapeau, a stylish yellow kerchief, and all the appropriate Western accessories. The rumor was that he was a VIP guest at a special concert at the nearby Showbox theatre. When his glamorous date arrived, we knew that Monsieur Beck was not pulling our Big Wall legs! It would require pages upon pages to describe all of the beta swapping, lifestyle accusations and witty retorts from this fine evening of elegance, glamour and frivolity. Apart from some of the usual faces, Mr. David Parker joined us as did the one known as "Hikewa". There was also a very fleeting view of "Holly Climber" who bolted for the door at the mere sight of Dwayner. Everyone had their own highlights. I especially enjoyed Fast Eddie E.'s striking orange organic cotton Patagonia shirt. Later I was mystified when a rather large anonymous woman walked up to Beck and sucker-punched him. (The fallout from an exotic and intense affair played out years ago in Paris?...or was it Venice? Ahhh. So many women to remember!!!!) Before I left, Ehmmic was so impressed, or should I say spellbound, by the story of how my computer hard-drive crashed that she asked for my autograph. "Best wishes, Dwayner", I wrote with her expensive but worthless pen, and I meant it. As I crawled out of bed this morning, heading for the refrigerator (still crawling) for my favorite breakfast beverage (a quart of Mickey's with a straw), I had to ask myself...was it all a dream? OR JUST ANOTHER STAR-STUDDED PUB NIGHT AT CASCADE CLIMBERS.COM? I hope to have that question solved by dinner as I leaf through my pockets to find any stray receipts that might reveal the truth. - faithfully reported by Dwayner Quote
Beck Posted August 29, 2001 Author Posted August 29, 2001 ... Well, dwayner, at least your were able to stomach a beer this morning! I woke up with a prehangover drunk and found my date had left and I was stuck with Teddy Ruxpin! Then I spent part of my bike commute this morning dry heaving into some bushes in a vain attempt to shake off last night's TRULY ENJOYABLE Pub Club. I'm glad to see such stellar examples of vertically challenged types showing up. You go, Holly Climber! Rightous trip report, Ehmmic! All you guys cluster around,EddieE and MattP, i could see the wheels burning skid marks on the existential fabric of life, keep living large!Dwayner, we've got to stop meeting like this! just kidding! And to all the rest of you, grand to spend an evening in such fine company. As for my little run in with the tatooed medusa I thought was my friend, she obviously has some issues to go bitch slapping me like that- only in the bedroom, please! Once again , thanks to all, it wouldn't be as much fun without you! [This message has been edited by Beck (edited 08-29-2001).] Quote
mtnrgr Posted August 30, 2001 Posted August 30, 2001 Sorry coulcn't maake it I was protecting the free world and stuff. But I'll defidently be there next week, now that I'm legal. Quote
Dwayner Posted August 30, 2001 Posted August 30, 2001 I think I recognized that woman who bitch-slapped Beck at the Tuesday Pub-Night. IT WAS STIFFLER'S MOTHER!!! Quote
Beck Posted August 30, 2001 Author Posted August 30, 2001 That bitch was STIFFLER"S MOTHER? Man, good thing Teddy Ruxpin wasn't around or she would have had an amorous ursine suitor on her tail all night long! Quote
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