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Fux Freakout


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It is interesting how commenting on certain world historical events has taken a backseat to spell-checking and other assorted assgrabbery for Spray's right wing. Speaks more volumes than a hundred "I told you so"s.


His insights are about as valuable as yours. With such a low bar, you'd think that you'd be able to outdo him. Sadly, that is not the case.



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A "low bar" hasn't kept you or your herrenvolk in the conversation in any form. Maybe you're waiting for a Democratic sex-scandal, birth certificate bombshell, or grammar snafu to surface before you weigh in.


"Herrenvolk" - you're so clever. :grlaf:


This is spray on a climbing site, not a debate club for 'serious' political discussion. If you want the latter, your best bet is to choose a different venue.


BTW: check out the title of this thread "Fux" - yeah that smacks of rational reasonable "debate".


Edited by KaskadskyjKozak
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here comes the "freeedom lover" whose definition of spray is narrowly defined as 'being abusive to as many people as possible'.


Why did you put "freedom lover" in quotes? Are you citing someone?


And your definition of spray is what? Your personal soapbox for endless political diatribes?


"freedom lover" refers to your type of hypocrites who always invoke freedom to justify unspeakable acts of oppression.


whatever my definition of spray it doesn't include preventing your brand of douchebaggery, except when you try to exercise it on me, of course.

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This is spray on a climbing site, not a debate club for 'serious' political discussion. If you want the latter, your best bet is to choose a different venue.


Where are you currently performing?


Ever pick up your great equalizer, Mr. Small Hands?


Sounds like somebody's got a man-crush! :blush:



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More spectacular grammar from our self-proclaimed "serious" debater.


Awesome. This one is almost as good as "audios".



Grammatical and typographical errors are very different animals. I suggest you consult a dictionary to learn the difference. You might focus on the term "transposition error" in your quest for self-betterment.





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