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Lazy ass downhillers


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I drove up to Hurricane Ridge yesterday, about a half mile from the visitor center parking lot there were about a half dozen snowboarders/skiers standing there beside the road holding their boards w/ their thumbs out, expecting a ride back up to the bunny hill rope tow. You gotta be kidding. Walk your lazy ass back to where you started from. They seem to be afflicted w/ the same disorder as crag climbers who can't/won't walk more than 100 yards from their car to the start of a route. What a bunch of putzes.

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seriously, kiss my ass...

especially when i'm skiing down to a fairly busy raod, i'll thumb back to the lifts/snowmobiles/track to skin to the top. usually, ya start hiking and hope that a car that may go by will hook you up.

get over yourself, you fucking whiny puss.

why grunt to the top or base if you can save that energy for the climb to the top or the ride down...

the weak assed purist shit doesn't hold up.

get a fucking clue.


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Skiing and hithhiking has a long history and is a fine tradition. The people who suck are the selfish types who wont give a skier a ride. Yes that's right nolanr you suck.

You should go to Teton or Loveland pass if you see a bunch of skier/snowboarder/hitchhikers.

nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks, nolanr sucks

[ 02-11-2002: Message edited by: AlpineK ]

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I hitched so many rides into towns while backpacking the App. trail that I always give skiers/boarders/backpackers a ride if I can squeeze them in. Smoke 'em out, and give 'em beer too if it's available. I had so much undeserved kindness bestowed upon me...the guy in Mass who gave me a ride on the back of a flat-bed pickup passing me cans of Guinness out the sliding rear window, the couple in VA who drove 65 miles out of their way to get myself and a fellow hiker where we needed to be, so many free beers, meals, and sodas that I lost count. Would you rather have them running two cars back and forth to shuttle people buring even more fossil fuels? Karma man.

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Originally posted by nolanr:
Walk your lazy ass back to where you started from.

OK I will, after umpteen mofo go by and don't pick me up. I'd just finished traversing all the peaks in the Tatoosh range from Castle to Eagle peak and wanted a ride back to Reflection Lakes from Longmire. Touron bastards won't pick you up. I finally said f*#! it I'd rather walk than keep letting these people turn their noses up. Did'nt they know I'd just scrambled 7 peaks and wanted to get home. Lucky for me, that seasons postmistress at Longmire rides by on her bike and accepts my offer of $5 for a ride. She whipped home and came back in her old Dodge Valiant. Would'nt take my money but we hooked up for many outings after that.

So Nolanr, start picking those skiers up, contribute to their fun, it won't hurt you any (unless somebody chips your paint loading ski's). Everybody at Teton Pass will pick you up. It's a tradition and the runs are awesome. Would'nt you like to see that attitude at Hurricane Ridge? I would.

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I hitch hike and pick up hitch hikers all the time in mountain passes. When somebody is carrying a pack/skis/snowboard I am less likely to think they are some psycho killer and more likely to pick them up. I agree with special ned-- pick up hitch hikers and when you are in need others will pick you up. I understand when single women do not what to pick me up, but guys in trucks/SUVs have no excuse unless you're on the outskirts of Walla Walla, Washington or some other town with a State Pen.

The best week of skiing I ever had was during one spring break in college I spent camped out in Berthed Pass, CO. We camped near the top, hiked and skied all week, skiing down low on both sides of the pass and hitching back to the top. It was never more than 1/2 hour skin to the top and we skied a lot.

However, I agree if said hitch hiker is less than one mile from where he is going he should walk. Anything more than a mile and I think it's okay. Some downhillers are afraid of a little honest exercise.

This past weekend I found myself a few miles east of Stevens and my partner and I hitched up to the top. We waited less than 5 minutes for a ride. I think the guy was stoned because when he dropped us off he started to drive off with our skis in the back of his truck. Whatever. Beggers can't be choosers.

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ALWAYS give hitchhikers a ride in these circumstances! I've done so many great trips which were made possible by hitching back to the car! Last Summer I had to do a bunch of crazy hitching to get back to my car up in Glacier NP, about 60 miles worth due to the fires. Who was it picked me up? Grandparents on holiday, a couple with babies in the backseat, etc. These are the people who solve your logistical nightmares for you! If these kind folks could find it in their hearts to give my stinky ass a lift, Nolanr, your Karma will definitely suffer someday

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Yeah, it was pretty much that they were so close to the bunny hill that I was dissing them for being lazy.

I've been helped by strangers before and I've helped strangers. I drove a couple from Snow Lake TH back up to their car at Stuart Lake/Colchuck Lake TH about 7 p.m. in Oct., already getting dark, saved them about 8 miles of hoofing, and they had to be back to Seattle that night. So my Karma's not too bad, I don't think.

As far as the other day, I definitely didn't have room for 6 people and their skis in my rig, was I supposed to stop for half of them and tell the rest to screw off? None of them were good looking chicks either, so that wasn't a factor.

And as someone who hikes/backpacks/climbs/snowshoes, I have more respect for someone that gets from point A to point B under their own power than someone who rides a chairlift or rope tow up to the top of something, then lets gravity do most of the work on the way back down.

Now if you all still wanna roast me, go for it. tongue.gif" border="0

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