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if anyone needed further proof


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Unless it's a reverse conspiracy engineered to have legions of leftist dupes overcome by the political equivalent of the vapors discredit the notion by claiming to have unveiled some kind of nefarious sub-rosa campaign so deftly engineered and camouflaged that they were unable to unmask it...with a series of four mouse clicks.


You are trying to peddle a cartoonish vision of a "conspiracy", whereas a collusion of moneyed interests is much more mundane in appearance. Only the bad guys in a James Bond movie, could hide twice yearly meetings of economic elites held to generate large amount of cash for propaganda with the participation of Beck and Alito, Scalia, or completely hide the financing of their astroturf efforts. Interestingly, until the Citizens United decision of a few month ago, it was a lot harder for them to hide their tracks.


Btw, knowledge of these meetings and the participation of the corporatists on the supreme court isn't new. There were reports starting a couple of years ago.

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In the most recent issue of Rolling Stone, writer Matt Taibbi gives a good argument and evidence, on how the GOP with Koch's bazillions have taken over the Tea Party. Hey what's Dick Armey been up to lately? If you thought the corporatist were going to let some Glenbeckistan rabblerousers fuck up their party, well lets just say, you're a sucker. I envision two vultures sitting on top of their cash, looking down at the political fiasco being played out, and the one says to the other, "Don't worry we'll bring them to the dark side."




Just read the first part of the article, it's hilarious.

If I have time I will put it up.

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