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Limbaugh can't take the truth about Obama tax cuts


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Yup...did'nt expect a real answer to any of my questions.


Donation amount = $0.



Like wise dude. I'm sure you've personally assisted in moving the Gibralter of democracy further to the left while deriding the efforts of us who manage to lobby and volunteer while holding down a job and family responsibilities. Do you want a step ladder to assist in the dismount off that horse? Back to work for me. But thanks. I feel inspired now that I know you're there working for us.


Nope, I'm just a foot soldier for an organization that produces real, well documented, long term results...the Witt court victory being just one of many thousands. You asked about my personal contribution and you got an answer. Quid pro quo doesn't seem to be your strong suit, however.


I'd love to learn more about your efforts, but the tooldom that is apparently required to be a member of the progressive movement seems to make that an impossibility.



Well, I'll let you get back to 'talking about it'.







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What's your involvement in these efforts?


Schoolin' your ass at the moment.


Hardly. So far, not one of you fucks seems to have done anything that has actually made a difference anywhere for any of the causes you supposedly care about. That, or you're all just too cool to talk about it, but, somehow, I think it's probably more likely to be the former.


It's hardly a secret why the progressive movement stands in a dark corner of the gymnasium, forever wondering why no one wants to dance.





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Does FreePress have a lobbying effort? What are the highlights (victories) of its efforts to date?


Is this a "the one with the most lobbyists wins" kind of a game? How about a "who's the most entrenched in the Washington establishment" game or "what issues are most palatable to wealthy liberal donors" version? Hmmm, or a "which issues are least likely to threaten the status quo" spinoff? I'm not sure what your point is in trying to take as many issues off the table as possible.

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Is part of your fundraising foot-soldier duty to play zero-sum games with all the other organizations out there trying to do good work? Why so eager to tell us all what's possible, what's a lost cause, what's effective? Competing in a shrinking pool of donor money while the problems we face proliferate?

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Is part of your fundraising foot-soldier duty to play zero-sum games with all the other organizations out there trying to do good work? Competing in a shrinking pool of donor money while the problems we face proliferate?


Our donors are perfectly capable of choosing where to put their money on their own. We don't get involved that that decision. Our donation levels have not been correlated with the economy, BTW.

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If you give to the ACLU of WA, half of your money is used in our efforts here in WA state, and half goes to the national office to be redistributed to the weaker state chapters like TX and MS. WA is a 'donor' state...unlike many other states, we have the fundraising capability to help shore up efforts in other states with weaker chapters.


If you give to national, some of the money is used on national efforts, and the rest is redistributed to state chapters as needed.

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Our state agenda currently focuses on drug policy reform (with a focus on marijuana), addressing to the school to prison pipeline, the surveillance society, to name a few highlights. This does not include a long docket of legal actions, many of which have immediate, national impact (Major Witt's case being one). We've had a very good year on both fronts.

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Effective Activism 101 multiple choice:


When someone genuinely want's to learn more about your organization and asks clear, concise questions for which there are presumably clear, concise answers, you should:


a) Give them the one minute elevator pitch explaining what the organization does, how it does it, and what its recent successes have been - something any serious activist should always have at the ready.

b) Dodge the question

c) Post the 'Knuckledragger Crossing' graphic

d) Start a 'zero sum' discussion.


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Hey, i usually give $1000 to the aclu every year, plus my employer matches it. What the difference between giving to ACLU washington vs. ACLU?


A contribution to FreePress or OpenSecrets.org would likely be more appreciated and speak more directly issues likely to further the struggle for real progressive change. Look I can do it too!

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Hey, i usually give $1000 to the aclu every year, plus my employer matches it. What the difference between giving to ACLU washington vs. ACLU?


A contribution to FreePress or OpenSecrets.org would likely be more appreciated and speak more directly issues likely to further the struggle for real progressive change. Look I can do it too!


Except that there's no 'too' here. You're playing a different game...one that we don't play.


We don't need to. Our track record speaks for itself.



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Hey, i usually give $1000 to the aclu every year, plus my employer matches it. What the difference between giving to ACLU washington vs. ACLU?


A contribution to FreePress or OpenSecrets.org would likely be more appreciated and speak more directly issues likely to further the struggle for real progressive change. Look I can do it too!


How much it will be "appreciated" is not a big concern of mine. What will either organization do with my money, and what have they done in the past?

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I was asked for my personal contribution, I gave a measurable answer. So did Rob. If that's 'puffing'...it might be because you're weighing it against your non-answer to the same question.


In fact, out of the three of you, none of you answered any of my legitimate questions.


To the audience:


We report, you decide.





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I was asked for my personal contribution, I gave a measurable answer. So did Rob. If that's 'puffing'...it might be because you're weighing it against your non-answer to the same question.


In fact, out of the three of you, none of you answered any of my legitimate questions.


Actually, no. No one in the post asked for your extensive resume. You insinuated what others were doing needed your assessment of their effectiveness. Great - you're working for the ACLU, we're estatic for you. Wish others were doing the same.


I don't feel the need to get into a "mine is bigger than yours discussion".


But here. I found an extra chair for your ego.

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