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Every group has had its turn being discriminated against in the US (whites too).


Who discriminated against the whites?


Why, lots of people discriminate against whites, all the time. White people are constantly having their jobs taken away from them, by people who aren't white. Indians and Japanese and Chinese and Koreans, and don't get me started on those Mexicans - taking white people's jobs left and right. And they call us names, too, you know, like "whitey" and "honky" and stuff like that. I myself was once called a "WASP". Think about that - "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" is about as rascist as it gets. Why single out just the white anglo-saxons, huh? If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. No-one ever says a word about the black anglo-saxons, or the arab anglo-saxons, or the chinese anglo-saxons. No, it's only the white anglo-saxons. That's discrimination: we're being systematically singled out from all the other anglo-saxons just because we're white, and I for one am about fed up with it. :cry:

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Every group has had its turn being discriminated against in the US (whites too).


Who discriminated against the whites?


Why, lots of people discriminate against whites, all the time. White people are constantly having their jobs taken away from them, by people who aren't white. Indians and Japanese and Chinese and Koreans, and don't get me started on those Mexicans - taking white people's jobs left and right. And they call us names, too, you know, like "whitey" and "honky" and stuff like that. I myself was once called a "WASP". Think about that - "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" is about as rascist as it gets. Why single out just the white anglo-saxons, huh? If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. No-one ever says a word about the black anglo-saxons, or the arab anglo-saxons, or the chinese anglo-saxons. No, it's only the white anglo-saxons. That's discrimination: we're being systematically singled out from all the other anglo-saxons just because we're white, and I for one am about fed up with it. :cry:


Well get your anarchist WASP, BASP, MASP, JASP, KASP, CASP, and AASP buddies and burn your local Quickee Mart down! Fuckall, its your goddamned right and probably free speech too! Its not your fault, you've been oppressed and shit 50 years ago!


On second thought, matches and gas should be free, burn the gas station down too!

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