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White lighter


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(Quote) I didn't really know about this myth till i got to college.


I was in this chicks dorm and we were about to spark up. Everything's going well. But one of the girls randomly says "shit, we're smoking with a white lighter."

So i ignore her cause honestly i dont care if its red, white, or blue.

But everyone stops and stares, so i ask whats going on. And they tell me that smoking with a white lighter is bad luck. People always get caught. I brush them off thinking whateverrr.

We've just finished smoking a blunt and we're about to start smoking a bowl when we hear a knock on the door.

Mind you we werent misbehaving or anything, we were watching t.v., the fan was on, everything was good (for a private school mine is pretty laid back, i smoke in my room all the time).

So i start hiding my bowl and we start spraying shit, one of the girls opens up the door. It's an RA. She walks in and sniffs the room. Grumbles and says "Are you fucking kidding. Right here man? I'm on duty. What the hell. Couldn't you go smoke in a car or something? Especially you, Tam, i tell you not to smoke in here all the time."

What could we do! Lmao. We broke down and started apologizing.

She didnt say anything she just asked for scent-free laundry detergent. Turns out that was the ONLY reason she'd knock on the door in the first place. We were busted because an RA wanted some fucking laundry detergent. She said its cool though just not to do it again. Then she stayed in the room and hung out with us. Ordered Wings.


But yeah. i still dont believe in that shit lmao. we smoked with the white lighter again the next day in someones car. nothing sketchy happened at all.


Anyone else have a similar experience with white lighters? (/quote)

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