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This is not a sit back and see what happens now moment for the left. It's important for the constituencies that got him elected to remain mobilized to ensure that he "delivers the goods", the change he promised. The Obama Administration will need its feet held to the fire by the workers, the poor, and middle class that bought into the message. The economic meltdown may force his hand in a more progressive direction, even if the organized left is relatively weak outside of electoral politics since the DNC will have evaporated now that their guy is in.


obama elected...3% change garanteed.

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Yup, real change is on the way!


No Change same old same old link


Well, at least the names of the players are changing, that's real.


Rahm Emmanuel is one of the most partisan and abrasive political hacks in the Democrat party. That promise of bipartisan cooperation and "unity" has already been tossed out the window. Uniter? Divider. Plus ca change...


There's already a thread about that.


Time to Shut The Fuck Up, you incomprehensible shitheel.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Any moron can see that Rahm is a divisive asshole and a left-wing kool-aid drinker. Just like you.


Is it me or is the irony of that statement thick here-:-)


It's you. Mattp has proven himself a left-wing nut incapable of ever entertaining a POV different from his own, and consistently makes stupid accusations and fallacious attributions to other's with whom he is supposedly discussing an issue. Note the first thing he states in response to my comment. My comment did not attack a CC.com poster personally. His does. It's par for the course from that shithead. Business as usual. Unfortunately his party and it's adherents here on cc.com regularly engages in these tactics.


You, OTOH, strike me as a reasonable fellow, a critical thinker, and not really divisive at all. You are actually worth the effort. Mattp can fuck off.



Shut the Fuck Up you little pussy fuck whiner. My God, you're a skidmark.


BTW, why'd you leave? Boss get on yer case for a bit too much "multitasking?"


Got a new job, now? You've probably got at least a month before they notice that you don't do shit for the company in your cube.

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Bush warns of vulnerabilty during transition


Time to shut the fuck up, you incompetent shitheel.


It seems to me that Pres. Obama needs as much assistance and help as he can get. The budget needs to be submitted by Feb, a scant few weeks after the inauguration. I'm glad Bush is being so generous and helpful to get the guy up to speed with briefings etc etc. He could be locking the door, doing things his way, then blaming Barak when Barak is forced to deal with all the shit which would happen right after he first sits down in the chair.


That's my opinion....and you know what they say about opinions:-)


That would be doing us all a favor. Instead, he's shitting in every bottom drawer of in the White House for the next administration. What a complete and utter tool.

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Sorry K but YOU are one of the most abrasive personalities on this board.

The fact that you don't name names is a dodge. Your intent to degrade seaths out of most of your posts.

It is sad that you cannot see this.


I speak the truth and the truth hurts. Deal with it.


If you think you're guy's gonna get a free pass for 4 years, you are sadly mistaken.



OMFG this guy actually believes he's something more than a half deflated football we play pitbull tuggy toy with. Incredibly, he actually got dumber during his absence. Jebus, you can't make this stuff up.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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