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Rahm Emanuel accepts Chief of Staff Job


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Don't be an ass. I said pull out as fast as is humanely possible, not Vietnam style, which was complete chaos. And you know what I meant, too.

Calm down.

I said "Pull out as soon as sanely possible yes. Just not overnight."

You Said "Bullshit" and soforth.


I am not sure how I was supposed to "know what you meant" if you didn't mean bullshit to "Pull out as soon as sanely possible yes. Just not overnight."


You aren't channelling K now are you?

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Right, Emanuel voted with the majority of democrats on most issues but he is one of the architect of NAFTA and of more recent free trade agreements that are widely recognized as responsible for the loss of many american jobs to unfair competition in countries without worker protection, and the loss of millions of mexican farming jobs to US agri-business (subsidized by us), and the rape of the environment everywhere.


Plus he is a hawk. His hand picking and financing of 21 pro-Iraq war democrats to run against anti-war progressives for the 2006 elections is also fondely remembered.






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