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Obama's Speech


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That's right! Or if TTK posted something NOT boorish and condescending or intended solely to promote his own ego, yea, that would ruin Spray too. :wazup::wave:


Condenscending? Moi? It is to laugh! A manofthepeople such as myself couldn't possibly deign to condescend. To do so would be to imply that you are a person, of sorts, rather than the more proper classification of invertebrate. One doesn't condenscend to an invertebrate. One has no emotional or intellectual connection to it at all other than to discern whether it is to be discarded or eaten.


And what is ego? Is it a tic like need to appear right? Or a desire to entertain? Where do the needs to best your enemies come in or promulgate truth come in? Is, in fact, an online persona, without a physical embodiment to restrain it, all ego?


Now boorish; that suggests that any one of us can pull a clean turd from a septic tank.




I certainly am entertained by TTK's photos'- he has a good eye for photography.
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Tvash has no scruples.

He claims none to my reccolection.

He uses racial epitaths and condescending horseshit till the cows come home. He probably does cows. I don't know. Most of his horseshit isn't backed up by anything but his assinine style of presentation.

And he sucks in many other ways.


But I do not remember him whining and claiming that he had been wronged in spray.

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Ivan? , ....

where to start?

If he were teaching my children, I would join the PTA for the koolaid.


Somehow I think we will see more TR's from these two libtards than from the whacko right. That doesn't make them right but on a climber's board, it suggests substance.

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So what does all this have to do with Obama's speech?

Obama's speech is about change.

Anyone who is not in favor of change should volunteer for Iraq so my friends can come home.

Will we get change from McCain? His choice of a VP suggests not. A white bread beauty queen from a arctic construction zone where extractive industry rules the economy and the politics. Pro-life.

Bottom line. Lock in the hard right. Nothing else to see.

McCain proved that he will suck up to the REPUBLICAN PARTY AND NOTHING ELSE.

Obama's speech is about why we have to change and what the next steps should be for our next president. Can he pull it off? I don't know if anyone can at this point but I am damn good n ready to see someone try.

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Tvash has no scruples.

He claims none to my reccolection.

He uses racial epitaths and condescending horseshit till the cows come home. He probably does cows. I don't know. Most of his horseshit isn't backed up by anything but his assinine style of presentation.

And he sucks in many other ways.


But I do not remember him whining and claiming that he had been wronged in spray.


If you believe I have no scruples, then you are simply unable to see them. They're obvious. But who really gives a shit?


If you want to see what I truly value, although I can't imagine why that would be a priority, the climbing forum would be a better place to look.


And I have ridden a cow, ableit plutonically, but without consent, seated backwards, as a 9 year old. That's something you try only once. In a year where I learned alot about the world, this lesson was indelibly implanted at the shining top of the pyramid directly through my kidneys the moment they the took in the rocking horse rusting in our back field like a prize figher's full body uppercut. It wasn't the impact that drove the point home, really, but more the zero gravity anticipation of near sideways impalement by a very blunt object which, as if so choreographed, secondarily ejected my into the side of the barn and into a thicket of waist high thistles.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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