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Islam: fear trumps freedom


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You made me curious, so I did a little searching. In fact, it only appears to have been used once on this board in a pro-war context


I am somewhat surprised by this result, as I remember various threads where several hard core posters who have been banned or who have stopped posting got very agitated and posted a bunch of stuff like that in the context of arguing about the coming war and how the defeatocrats and French were urging appeasement like Chaimberlain before world war II. I don't specifically remember those who are still representing those views on this site using those words.


I am only somewhat surprised, though, because I have had very mixed success when going back to look for threads that I knew existed and searching for words that I knew had been used.


I didn't find what I was looking for when I searched "Muir on Saurday," for example, or Fairweather's actual name, or "bush lied" or ... "ragheads."

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My brother in law speaks Azeri and Turkish. He used to work in a copy store downtown and often had Muslim customers come in and talk shit about America and Americans amongst themselves (in Arabic, Farsi, etc). My brother in law could understand quite a bit. One time two guys were going on and on about American women being whores, beneath contempt, etc, and my brother in law proceeded to chew them a new one in their own language. And you should hear his stories related from friends who are veterans of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.


Thanks for the second hand info……

I've never heard anyone who supported our troops talk about killing towel-heads or sand-n***ers.


Will you please define “support our troops”.


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Not really. A little weird thunder and some crazy wind; but nothing to complain about. No one called me a raghead or a cunt, so I guess I can carry on with my life.


Sweet! I drew some cartoons of Mohammed in the snow with my piss, but fortunately no 'ragheads' saw me before they got buried, and my car wasn't wired to explode when I started it.

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My brother in law speaks Azeri and Turkish. He used to work in a copy store downtown and often had Muslim customers come in and talk shit about America and Americans amongst themselves (in Arabic, Farsi, etc). My brother in law could understand quite a bit. One time two guys were going on and on about American women being whores, beneath contempt, etc, and my brother in law proceeded to chew them a new one in their own language. And you should hear his stories related from friends who are veterans of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.


Thanks for the second hand info……

I've never heard anyone who supported our troops talk about killing towel-heads or sand-n***ers.


Will you please define “support our troops”.


go pack your guitar, boner

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My brother in law speaks Azeri and Turkish. He used to work in a copy store downtown and often had Muslim customers come in and talk shit about America and Americans amongst themselves (in Arabic, Farsi, etc). My brother in law could understand quite a bit. One time two guys were going on and on about American women being whores, beneath contempt, etc, and my brother in law proceeded to chew them a new one in their own language. And you should hear his stories related from friends who are veterans of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.


Thanks for the second hand info……

I've never heard anyone who supported our troops talk about killing towel-heads or sand-n***ers.


Will you please define “support our troops”.


go pack your guitar, boner



That’s nice. You can’t even tell me what you mean when you use the words “support our troops”.


I feel sometimes I get shit on because I do not support the occupation and that is the same as not supporting out troops. What a back ward way of thinking.


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You guys and your "tee hee. We can use the words cunt and ragheads and isn't this fun" are missing the point.


Off White posted a political cartoon that suggested McCain or his supporters might use such a term and it was Serenity who objected that this was way out of line. KK said nobody on CC.COM would ever use that term, and I said I think they have. OffWhite searched, and guess what: Gotterdamerung actually did (I'm pretty sure others did, too, but OW didn't find it).


I'm not one to enforce or obey a politically correct lexicon and you can find where I've used the term here myself. I have also suggested more than once that I don't fully understand the sensitivity over the word cunt. But what we are talking about in this thread - or at least where we started out - was that Islam is the root of all our trouble in the MidEast and responding comments that this conclusion was rooted in some racism and some misunderstanding of history.

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Not liking Islam is NOT the same as racism. STOP equating it.


Where did I equate it? If you read the thread, my only real argument was that the history was slighly misrepresented. I didn't suggest anybody was racist, but I said I thought that "bad words" have been used on cc.com.

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Fair enough, Arch. And if you look back at this thread, you may find that it was me who in fact first used that word - and depending on how you react to my use of the term you may conclude I did so in error because in discussing the history of Islam there wasn't any accusation that someone was racist per se - but related notions that I sought to sum up in one word.

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the word "racist" seems to come up a little too often during discussions of Islamic issues. And not by folks who have the balls to admit they don't like the Islamic bullshit.


No shit. As soon as you criticize Islamic extremism as manifested by the threats of violence surrounding the publishing of Mohammed cartoons, you invariable get personal attacks and insinuations about a racist dislike for (mid)eastern peoples, followed by a dose of naive historical rationalizations and moral equivalency arguments.


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One of my points was that almost any religion/cult/movement has its "fundamentalists." It's up to the majority of moderate adherents to speak up about the excesses of the wingnuts. I haven't heard of that happening to any significant degree w.r.t Islam. I get the distinct impression that the silent assent is a serious problem, whether it's Islam or any other religion (e.g. Morman, Evangelical Christian, etc.).


If there's an Islamic groundswell to shut them down, please enlighten me. It's seems to me that it's more common to hear about how we need to change our ways, be more tolerant and stop this nasty free speech thing.

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One of my points was that almost any religion/cult/movement has its "fundamentalists."




If there's an Islamic groundswell to shut them down, please enlighten me. It's seems to me that it's more common to hear about how we need to change our ways, be more tolerant and stop this nasty free speech thing.


Your point wasn't lost - at least not on me.

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One of my points was that almost any religion/cult/movement has its "fundamentalists." It's up to the majority of moderate adherents to speak up about the excesses of the wingnuts. I haven't heard of that happening to any significant degree w.r.t Islam. I get the distinct impression that the silent assent is a serious problem, whether it's Islam or any other religion (e.g. Morman, Evangelical Christian, etc.).


If there's an Islamic groundswell to shut them down, please enlighten me. It's seems to me that it's more common to hear about how we need to change our ways, be more tolerant and stop this nasty free speech thing.

I agree with these points.
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