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Where oil money is going


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Why choose when we can have the best of both worlds...




Fill up your car to pay for the oil...that funds the perma-welfare that fosters the segregation from and contempt for the society around them...instead of being forced to go out and mingle with the infidel whores to make a living and temper the seclusion and fanaticism a bit...


Worked like a charm in Europe (sans the money to pay for the perma-welfare). Too bad that Canadians lack the ethnolinguistic chauvinism to get the full-tilt mass-alienation going Banlieu style...



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You'd be surprised actually:



What's worse? Paying Arab fanatics who hate the US or a bunch of hockey playin hosers?


Anybody notice how far down Iraq is on that list? What does that mean w/r/t the war? Was it really about oil? Shoot, we should have started a war with Canada! They're too stuck on the Geneva conventions to pull the kind of suicide crap the Iraqis are so good at, plus the soldiers could go skiing at Whistler in between battles!

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