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interesting article for those warmists


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Damn. All my dreams to become a trillionaire 100 years from now by making real estate investments in northern Canada today are now dashed. Damn you, Seahawks. Damn you to a cold place where polar bears will cough you up 'cause you make 'em just as sick as you do efferbody else. Damn, damn, damn.

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Well, then where is all the ice on the Mts and the glaciers going too?


Full Artical:


" Christopher Booker's Notebook


By Christopher Booker

Last Updated: 1:52am GMT 04/02/2008




So it appears that Arctic ice isn't vanishing after all


There was some coverage of the chaos caused in central and southern China by their heaviest snowfalls for decades - but little attention was paid to the snow that last week carpeted Jerusalem, Damascus and Amman, none of them exactly used to Dickensian Christmas card weather.


Similarly, Saudis last month expressed amazement at their heaviest snow for many years, in Afghanistan snow and freezing weather killed 120 people and large parts of the United States and Canada have been swept by unusually fierce blizzards.


Polar bears on melting ice


The biologist who took this picture says this pair were within easy swimming distance of the Alaskan coast


If the northern hemisphere's chilliest winter in a long time was bad news for the propagandists of global warming, they also had to face serious questions about some of the most iconic images used to support the claims that the world is hotting up towards disaster.


Last autumn the BBC and others could scarcely contain their excitement in reporting that the Arctic ice was melting so fast there would soon be none left.


Sea ice cover had shrunk to the lowest level ever recorded. But for some reason the warmists are less keen on the latest satellite findings, reported by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the website Cryosphere Today by the University of Illinois.


This body is committed to warmist orthodoxy and contributes to the work of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Yet its graph of northern hemisphere sea ice area, which shows the ice shrinking from 13,000 million sq km to just 4 million from the start of 2007 to October, also shows it now almost back to 13 million sq km.




A second graph, "Global Ice Area", shows a similar pattern repeated every year since satellite records began in 1979; while a third, "Southern Hemisphere Ice", shows that sea ice has actually expanded in recent years, well above its 30-year mean.


Still more inconvenient was the truth about an image that has been relentlessly exploited to promote this panic over the "vanishing" Arctic ice. It is the photograph of two polar bears standing forlornly on the fast-melting remains of an iceberg which has been reproduced thousands of times to show that there will soon be no bears left (ignoring evidence that their numbers have risen recently).


Northern hemisphere sea ice area


Now, thanks to a Canadian journalist, Carole Williams (on NewsWithViews.com), we can read the story behind this picture, which was taken in 2004 just off Alaska by a marine biologist, Amanda Byrd. As Ms Byrd is happy to point out, the bears were in no danger so close to the coast (they can swim 100 miles). She wanted a photograph more of the "wind-sculpted ice" than of the bears.


The image was copied by another member of the crew and passed on to Environment Canada. Then it was eagerly adopted by the warmist propaganda machine - above all by Al Gore, who used it to powerful effect as an emotive backdrop to his highly lucrative lectures.


"Their habitat is melting," he likes to declaim, "beautiful animals, literally being forced off the planet."


As the old joke has it, it seems those famous bears were not drowning after all, they were just waving. But the BBC is no more likely to tell us that than it was to lead the news with last week's snow in Jerusalem.




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The information is interesting but the article is infuriating.


I despise reading articles about scientific data that are presented as propaganda by any side of an argument. The article hypocritically accuses others of doing that very same thing. The world's climate is an incredibly complex system and drawing conclusions from one piece of data is just plain ignorant.


Why are people constantly looking for excuses to continue polluting? Is there really any doubt that we are causing irreversible damage to the environment? Regardless of climate change, it is plainly obvious that we have to clean up our act.

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you know what I love about seahawks? He doesn't climb, but loves posting on a climbing website -- where most people dislike him.


Something about that excites me.



this is a climbing site, will someone teach me how to get that rope up there?

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Using short term swings in seasonal weather patterns in support a theory that denies climate change is just silly. We all know that there is a lot of random variation in weather patters from year to year. There will continue to be occasional severely cold winters from time to time, but the overall trend will continue to be warmer.

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Just as silly as citing a single weather anomaly - like the latest category 4 hurricane, or an unusually active hurricane season as "proof" or direct evidence of global warming


using point observations rather than looking at the broad range of data is not a valid scientific process in anyone's book, but it's fodder in politics, where people tend to make big decisions based on gut feelings. pretty much the same reason propoganda works so well as a way to sway the masses - it works on emotional decisions rather than logical ones.

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...Yet its graph of northern hemisphere sea ice area, which shows the ice shrinking from 13,000 million sq km to just 4 million from the start of 2007 to October, also shows it now almost back to 13 million sq km.




So, according to that chart, not only does the sea ice coverage increase during the winter months, it also decreases during the summer months. And the data has shown that it has done this every year since they started tracking it.


This is truly stunning news. It seems to imply a cycle linked to seasonal changes in the weather - the colder weather and darker days of winter causes the ice coverage to increase, while the warmer, sunnier days of summer seem to have exactly the opposite effect. The mind boggles at the implications.


I wonder if anyone has thought to study other factors to see if similar links can be found? Perhaps someone could see if there's an association between seasonal weather patterns and, say, the way deciduous trees seem to grow lots of leaves in the spring every year, only to have them all die and fall to the ground every autumn. I can't be certain because I don't have access to decades worth of satellite photos, but if memory serves that pattern seems to repeat every year, too.


And sunburns - I'll bet this could explain why sunburns happen more often in July and August than they do in, say, October and November. Again, we'd need access to the satellite data, but I'm willing to bet we can find a direct link between sunburns and intensity of sunlight.


This could revolutionise the way stupid people state the blindingly obvious.



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