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I had a buddy in SanDiego that said everyone in his office all had gotten the same photo red light ticket and it was a right of passage thing to have your picture blown up and hanging on the cubicle wall. Turns out, the maker of the photo light camera had some tie in with the city, or kickback er some such other conflict of interest. The yellow lights were on a shortened cycle, thus giving the city a lot more citations that were not really legit. I guess the scam eventually got broken up but it shows hows these types of things can easily be abused. Who knows how much money they made off innocent drivers before someone figured it out.

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Glimpse of the Future....


" Anger as fines from speed cameras soar


By James Kirkup and David Millward

Last Updated: 2:58am GMT 06/12/2007


Almost two million speeding tickets are being issued to motorists each year following Labour's vast expansion of the speed camera network, official figures disclosed last night.


Since the party came to power, the number of fixed penalty notices for speeding has almost trebled from 700,000 a year to more than 1.9 million, the Government statistics showed.


Coupled with an increase in the basic speeding fine, this means speeding tickets are now raising almost £120 million a year - most of which is simply ploughed back into operating the cameras.


But despite the significant increase in speeding penalties in the past 10 years, road deaths have fallen only marginally, while the number of deaths from drink-driving has remained stable."




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"The infamous Photoblocker manufactured by Phantomplate is now here! This New and Improved, Patent Pending Photoblocker Spray is used to reflect photo radar flash and to make your license plate invisible to cameras! It really protects you from Red Light Camera.


Don't let them take your cash in a flash! For only $19.95, you CAN avoid getting tickets. Protect yourself before too late!


Phantomplate's Photoblocker Spray:

›› REFLECTS photo radar flash, helping to prevent a costly ticket!

›› FAST spray-on formula is easily applied in minutes!

›› INVISIBLE to the naked eye, only you will know it is on your vehicle!

›› EXCLUSIVE formula! Good for up to FOUR plates.

›› BEST alternative for those areas where you can't use an anti-radar license plate cover!

›› One application of PhotoBlocker is good for life. Will not wash off, will not fade, nor will it dissolve away.


How does "PHOTOBLOCKER" work?

Photo radar cameras often utilize a strong flash to photograph the license plate on your car as it speeds by. "PHOTO BLOCKER's" special formula works to reflect the flash back to the camera. The result is an overexposed and unreadable picture, often preventing a costly ticket.



01. Remove plate. Place flat.

02. Spray PhotoBlocker evenly until surface is totally saturated. Let dry and repeat 2-3 times until plate is very glossy.

03. Let it dry for about 2 hours. Should be good for life!"



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