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Re: Denali Expedition 2008 - Looking for 10-12 me


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Is this ripe for spray, or what? First, read the post in climbers wanted , then read this.


From the website, my Italics and boldface print added:


Purpose: To share the love and truth of Christ with other climbers on the mountain; to promote encounters with the Divine; and to disciple one another and grow deeper in our faith, understanding, and ability to minister. Secondary objectives include supporting and encouraging our friends at Chapel By The Sea in Anchorage and Talkeetna Community Church in the town that is the staging area for the trip to Denali. These churches and their people, who are the body of Christ, bless us and we will seek to bless them. Another secondary objective is an opportunity to stand on the highest peak in North America (weather permitting).


Just what I would want on my once in a lifetime Denali climb: some Christian evangelist hitting me up. If these folks want to have their epiphany, great. But don't be pushing that on other climbing parties.


Location: West Buttress route on Mount McKinley, Chapel By The Sea in Anchorage, and Talkeetna Community Church in Talkeetna.


Prerequisites: Ability to share the Gospel and testimony of your life in Christ. You must have a servant’s heart, extended cold-weather winter camping experience, solid ability to self-arrest, and experience in glacier travel and crevasse rescue techniques. We recommend you have experience exercising at altitude.

Exercising what, exactly, demons? Oh yeah, that's exorcising.



Leaders: Trip leader is Charleton Churchill and assistant leader is Tim Hall. Both have extensive experience and they summited as part of Mission: Denali 2007. Charleton is a youth pastor and Tim has worked as an instructor for Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries in Wyoming. Jim Doenges of Climbing For Christ will serve as trip advisor. Jim has summited and was trip leader for Mission: Denali 2007.


NOTE: This is not a guided climb, except by the Holy Spirit. Trip leaders are not paid, and Climbing For Christ accrues no profit. We expect all team members to haul full loads up the Kahiltna glacier, contribute to the daily chores of the expedition, and fully support the purpose of the mission.


I fully expect to be ostracized by those on the list who think this is a great idea.



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I cannot imagine a more inappropriate place to be accosted by a believer. Well, maybe an airport restroom but at least that wouldn't be a surprise.


If they wanted to serve on the mountain, bring me hot chocolate and a voluptuous, pliant woman to massage my shoulders. But NO! that would be a sin. Instead they would subject me to their mere words there on the mountain: the very place where the flame breaks forth from the burning bush, raising human words from their mereness.


People who use the outdoors as part of their lesson plan---Climbing For Christ or taking juvenile delinquents camping---rub me the wrong way. And I am not anti-Christian.

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Excerpts from a Climber for Christ bearing the full brunt of Rainier:


"It is Day 4 of a long weekend off on Mount Rainier, a weekend growing longer by the moment. Our party of four is above 12,200 feet, 44 hours removed from the trailhead at 5,200 feet."


" My wife gave me the go-ahead… ‘You have FWA,’ Flynn said, happily. ‘Full Wife Approval.' "


"The ascent from 5,200 to 9,800 feet [from Paradise to Muir] took seven hours. We carried 60-pound packs."


"...at 13,200 feet…The first-time climber was about a two-hour walk from the top."


I assume that writer won't be on the team for the West Butt.

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