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No, it isn't illegal! So why the big stink? It's the terrorists at work again, trying to stir up controversy, distract us from detecting their actions, and turn us against ourselves.


Bush has already been asked about steroid use on the Rangers when he was an owner. Needless to say, he was unaware of anything. (steroid use I mean) So, nothing to see here, all is well, just move along through the ticket line.

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illegal and against the rules are two different things. i may be mistaken here but i don't think that it was against the rules in baseball until relatively recently.


off label use and black market purchasing of steroids has been illegal for quite some time.

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I would think they would make it illegal THEN do an investigation and find those who have broken the law…..but right now the commissioner is looking like a fool. They are saying his report has tarnished the reputations of all the great ball players…..how? To my understanding they have not committed a crime.


But.....minx....you say that is in against the rules of MLB. That is another story.

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I would think they would make it illegal THEN do an investigation and find those who have broken the law…..but right now the commissioner is looking like a fool. They are saying his report has tarnished the reputations of all the great ball players…..how? To my understanding they have not committed a crime.


But.....minx....you say that is in against the rules of MLB. That is another story.


Kevbone, I'm also saying that in some cases it is probably illegal b/c of how the drugs were prescribed, used, and obtained.


it also against baseball's rules now.


thus, no matter how weak Bud Selig is, there is some basis for this report to have been generated.

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My two cents: Airing dirty laundry by naming names is a good thing. Don't let trainers, scouts, GMs, owners, sportswriters off the hook. Let the records stand, but don't vote known juicers into the Hall of Fame. Test the hell out of players with the strongest guidelines available. Publicly shame and suspend first-time positive testers for the season. Go after "greenies" next. End corporate welfare for building ballparks. Move the Marlins to Portland under new ownership. Put Pete Rose in the Hall where he belongs.

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My two cents: Airing dirty laundry by naming names is a good thing. Don't let trainers, scouts, GMs, owners, sportswriters off the hook. Let the records stand, but don't vote known juicers into the Hall of Fame. Test the hell out of players with the strongest guidelines available. Publicly shame and suspend first-time positive testers for the season. Go after "greenies" next. End corporate welfare for building ballparks. Move the Marlins to Portland under new ownership. Put Pete Rose in the Hall where he belongs.



Right to the point!

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Like I said my first post….I don’t know the rules of MLB but if it is against the rules of the game to take steroids...

It is. PE drugs are banned in MLB.


...then why don’t the test for them? Or do they?

They do. Under the current rules, the Players Union has an agreement where testers are required to provide 24 hours advance notice of testing. Mitchell's report advocates 0 warning time. They show up, you get randomly tested. Better be on your Sunday behaviors...


...I do agree they should all be playing on the same field! No pun intended!

I agree as well. Hank should get his record back. Bonds is a scuzzbag. If Clements is guilty as well, yank his trophies. The whole fucking "professional sports" and Olympic doping scandal is why I don't even pay attention anymore. When Marion Jones fessed up to doping earlier this fall, I lost all interest in televised sports. It all just disgusts me now. :tdown: :tdown:

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My two cents: ...Put Pete Rose in the Hall where he belongs.


Two cents is right. You're right about Bonds, Clemens not being in the hall. However, Rose shouldn't be in the Hall either. Yes, he was a good ballplayer, but he blew it all by gambling and then lying about it. Marion Jones has more honor: at least she fessed up and took responsibility, unlike Rose, Bonds, Clemens.

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I agree, Steve, Ms. Jones attempted to maintain at least some modicum of decency by fessing up, but do you think it might have been because she saw the posse closing in?


If you're gonna get busted, would it not "look better" to sing first, instead of continued steadfast denial and then be proven to be a liar (which seems to be the tack MLB players are taking)?

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I agree, Steve, Ms. Jones attempted to maintain at least some modicum of decency by fessing up, but do you think it might have been because she saw the posse closing in?

Too true. They weren't just closing in, they had the rope ready and she knew it. But at least she DID come around and didn't try to fight further.


If you're gonna get busted, would it not "look better" to sing first, instead of continued steadfast denial and then be proven to be a liar (which seems to be the tack MLB players are taking)?

Yup. We'll see how many sing first. If what Andy Pettitte just said is true, he's one of the first. Doesn't look like nasty, lying Roger is going to, though. He sure leaves a nice picture in everybody's heads as the Mitchell report cites him getting it in the "buttocks" from a conditioning coach. Now Clemens is rumored to be threatening a lawsuit. Better duck, he could well be throwing that still-close-to-100 mph fastball at more than opposing batter's heads. ;)

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