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Portland City liability question


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great.... have the taxpayer fix your mistake of moving in next to a golf course.


if the net doesn't fix it, you going to as the city to help you move too?


Sounds like it:-)


Make yourself a propane cannon.

Start launching grapefruits at the golf course parking lot.


You'll get sued - it's the American way.




No. This is defiantly not the thing to do. The answer is to sue the bastards. Yeah. As American as suing the bastards....err, in this case, I guess it's "suing us". Yeah, make the MFers cease and desist. That should put to all stop to golf in the city any way.


Good call. Golf sucks. Bastards shouldn't be doing this in your back yard. Ie having fun in their selected sport.


BTW, you and what you like to do will most likely be next on the docket. Like to have wild sex in your house? NOPE, you'll get sued cause your neighbors kid can hear it. Climbing somewhere, buzzzz nope, you'll get sued cause you are stressing out the local homeowners! You tree drops leaves in the neighbors yard? Buzzz! Plan on getting sued (BTW, I already got sued on this one!)


Yeah, complain and then sue the bastards. Yeah. Its the American way: take away their rights to enjoy themselves like they have been doing for the last 50 years.


Bastards. How dare they intrude on your space!



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