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Where would you take this...


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There's a website called "On Stagnant Pond" with a flamingo that you can have them send you, and take its picture someplace scenic, and they post it on their site.

I was going to take it up Mt. Rainier, but apparently you have to schedule it pretty far in advance.


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Hey, I think I heard you guys talking about me in here!

Bronco is referring to my unsuccessful bid to the top of Rainier one year ago on the 30th.

I'll have you know that I shall once again return to the Pacific Northwest for another attempt in mid September. Hopefully my lungs and Mother Nature will cooperate.

The address for my website is http://www.spudstravels.com and it features a wealth of photos and wacky adventures from all over the globe taken over the last 12 years.

Unfortunately, I can't say as I make a living off my website, but one day maybe. It's been featured in a few newspapers (UK and US) as well as National Geographic Traveler and this summer's edition of United Airlines' in-flight magazine.

I've been staying away from Starbucks, so hopefully I won't have a polluted system next time.

See you on the mountain my friends!


Drop by and visit Spud's Travels at http://www.spudstravels.com

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On mt. Rainer last summer, there was a tall guy from ?? who alledgedly made a living off of his website. His website consisted of trip reports and photos with his companion.

His compainion is a MR POTATOHEAD. He hauled it up to Ingraham flats and pooped out. His website is pretty nice and funny, I just checked it out.


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That's almost as good as those guys who stole the garden gnome and took it around the world with them and sent postcards back to the guy they stole it from, and returned it a year later with a suitcase full of souvenirs!

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There was an organization of professionals (legalists, graphite commandos and orthodontists etc)operating out of Sydney (NSW) that would kidnap dilapitated garden gnomes, and take them on holiday, send photos to the owner, and then return them refurbished in the middle of the night. One of my in-laws belong to it and regularly did the Fiji assignment.

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