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Good top ropes for kids


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I'm looking for some good top ropes for my 4 yr old daughter, of moderate grade with walk-offs or access scrambles (she can't belay me).


Couple of places I was thinking:

* Barney's Rubble

* Dogleg crack

* classic crack area

* Fun rock

* Ramone rock? (never climbed here)


Any good ideas?

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Playground Point in Icicle canyon. It's in the newest book. Also Mountaineer's Dome in Icicle.


Exit 38 around the trestle has some moderate slabs.


cc.comer's have done a Kid's Ropeup over in L-worth. They would know more. Search or wait until they pipe up.

Edited by matt_warfield
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Exit 38 (far side) has a low angle grid-bolted slab that looks like 4th or 5.0 and soloable. If you don't want to solo to the anchor you could fix the rope at the base and self-belay.


My son is 3 and I am thinking he might be about ready to try climbing soon. Let us know how it goes.

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If you are talking about Easy Street (wall), there is a belay bolt that can be used to self belay. There is a bit of run-out toward the top of one of the routes but the climbing is very, very easy. Good place to learn to climb, but there is a little exposure since it sort of on a ledge. It can be intimidating for some beginers since you are a few hundred feet above the freeway. There can be some communication problems b/c of the freeway noise as well.

Edited by ilookeddown
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The back side of Bruce's Boulder has an excellent 5.0 route that actually has some footholds on it and is not slabby or discontinuous like so many Icicle Creek beginners routes (I once called them "moderates" but was roundly pounced upon for not using that word to connote 5.10 climbing). I've had good success with this one although the noise of the roaring creek so close below is upsetting for some children.


However, in my opinion Leavenworth is not the best place for young children because the very easy climbs tend to be low angle slabs and scrambles. The Summit Wall at Mt. Erie is pobably about as good as it gets within an easy radius of Seattle and it offers great picnicing that will be enjoyed by your little darling and also by mom.


I have not been to the bolted slab at the Far Side noted above, but there are a couple of climbs right next to the near end of the trestle at Exit 38 - "Write Off Rock?" - that are pretty good. At least one will be easy enough for your 4-year-old, and kids always seem to like the trestle itself.

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