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Which first???


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The topic was on a popular morning radio show this morning:


Which person is more likely to be voted into office before the other? Or at least onto the Democratic ticket?


1). A black man, like Obama

2). A white woman like Hillary.


This topic was hilarious to listen too! Hearing lots of people calling in and voicing there opinions.

One person called in and made a joke that if a woman becomes president then we would be at war every 28 days.

The joke about Obama was that his first name is way to close to Osama and would hurt him in the long run, and his second name is Husane. That does not help either.


I thought this to be an important topic. What is America ready for first?


Your thoughts?


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a hispanic male govenor.


hilary--she's bill's wife. too weird to vote for if we're making the decision based on "feeling" instead of logic. qualifications--not sure she's doing anything other than the same old thing. need to follow up on what she wants to pursue


obama-sounds too much like osama, again if we're talking about "feeling". if we're talking about qualifications, too young and inexperienced. has some interesting ideas and some charisma

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Ahh Kevbone, I'm guessing this is your first topic of the week. "sounds like someone has a case of the Monday's"


I'm Betting that you post at least 10 topics this week. Any takers.


The US is unfortunantly not ready for a black man or a woman. The US is ready for a Democrate, but it looks like there not going to get it. The best chance either of them have is to run together. However, my Dad a conservative Republican said he would vote for Hillary.


Go figure.

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And by saying that we haven't evolved to the point where we would elect a woman leader, one is stating that the US is lagging behind India, England, Phillipines, Ireland, Pakistan, Norway, Canada, Nicaragua, New Zealand, France, Switzerland, Turkey, Iceland, Bermuda, Finland, Liberia, Peru, etc etc etc.


Can you really be serious to think that we are so backwards? I refuse to believe this assertion.

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yeah, and we've had so many opportunites to decide :rolleyes:


Well.....here is your chance. Which is it?


i don't know yet. i'll have to become more educated about both candidates. it could certainly be either of them. h/e it might be neither. they are not the only two options. my decision won't be made based on gender or race.


i've liked what i've heard from obama but i haven't heard details yet.



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i know it comes as a shock that i'm balking at decided who to vote for 22 months in advance of the elections but occasionally, i like to show some restraint. unlike kevbone, who should just be restrained.


I’m with you on this one Minx. I’m always on the lookout for possible candidates. What they say and do now reflects on what I will think of them then.

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Obama is simply too inexperienced. Senators get elected to the presidency rarely enough, much less a Senator who is only two years into his first term. It doesn't matter that he's black, it's that there isn't enough "there" there. That's not to say he couldn't be a strong contender some years down the line, I just think he's a premature nominate.


Hillary seems too much a megalomaniac for me. Sure, anyone who wants that job has to have a pretty fair share of raw ambition, but there's something about her that puts me off. I'm left with the impression that winning matters a lot more to her than ideas do, and I think she's the most polarizing candidate the Democrats could offer. Not my first choice, but I would take her over Obama.





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but doesn't making a deal of electing a black and/or a woman to office backhanddedly put them down at the same time.


the assertion that it is a major milestone is the admission that they where once thought incapable?


the fact that they are black and/or a woman should be the last thing to come up, really, and shouldn't raise ANY eyebrows. in the true colorblind sense.


just a thought....

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it is a valid topic but come on...adam corolla?


i presented another alternative for you, if you insist upon focusing on the gender/race issue. the topic doesn't have to be black or female. why not hispanic or asian?


it will undoubtedly be a national topic of discussion as the election nears but i hope that as voters we will rise above using that as our criteria.

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