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Yay Timmay


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Picked this off another well known thread.


We're a blog now. Who would have thought?


I was just recalling our little online party when CC.com first broke 100 readers online at the same time. Here we are at easy 3x that.


Props to Timmay and the rest of the "staff" here. Did you ever see this board as such a valuable blog? :crosseye:


Of course it is nice that so many have cleaned up and are acting presentable for all of our guests but I almost miss some of the poops out there.


Here's to ya :brew:

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Well, if I had to hazard a guess (and I don't), I'd say a blog is one persons perspective with an option for comments from the plebes, whereas starting topics here are open to anyone. This place has it's roots in an earlier bbs concept of (pre web) online communication, where someone "owns" it but content is "member" driven, as compared to the more soapbox blog "here's what I, the lord of this site think style. Can anyone expound on what personal opinions the owners of this site are, aside from freshiez are cool and chaos rules? Bulletin boards are more egalitarian/anarchy and Blogs are more dictatorial/narcissistic.


In my opinion of course, ya'll are free to tell me to go gargle butt gravy. :laf:

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My .02:


The term blog is almost 10 years old, and really is *not* what this site is.



BBS or a Forum is a place where threaded user-driven discussion goes on.



Some may even contend that cc.com is a Social Network!



I personally, think cascadeclimbers.com transcends these constructs and has established its own niche as an online 'lifestyle'.



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