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Mystery route


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Ok, here they are. About a month ago b_rock, his friend "V", FunGuy, and myself climbed Mt. Washington. FunGuy and myself set out for the West Face while b_rock and his partner headed for the North Ridge. FunGuy and myself had much discussion on where the route began, after a while we felt we had it and started up. I believe we ended up doing the North Face of the West Ridge and FunGuy feels we did in fact do the West Face. So, anyone who has done one or both of these routes, would you please go to Photo Album and see if you recognize anything.


I thought the route was a hellofa lot of fun; I'm just wanting to know what to add to my climbing resume [Confused] !






Oh yeh, I put them in the "Oregon Cascades" album and called them "Mt. Washington (route?)".


[ 10-26-2002, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: CraigA ]

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Depends what you call a pitch, since the part they share could be reasonably done unroped. the west face eases off considerably once you reach a loose gully, and after that there is some very moderate climbing to gain the west ridge above that picture you have there of the summit block (there is actually some more ridge climbing after that picture you have labeled as the summit, if i remember). You just scramble along to the summit on exposed but easy rock to the summit.

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OK, OK, iain if you look at the picture I've captioned as "looking down from the third pitch belay station", is that or is that not the West Ridge? And if you were doing the West Face proper would you have that view at any point on the route?





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Originally posted by iain:

I'm pretty sure that photo is looking down the west ridge. You would not have that view at any time on the west face. Sorry if I didn't make any sense earlier

Thanks. With what you said and where I felt we were I feel safe saying we did the North Face of the West Ridge. Shit, now I have to go back and do the West Face [Wink] ...probably not time this year....oh well, next summer. I'll use any excuse to go to a mountain!! [big Grin]


Thanks again,



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Originally posted by Ropegun2002:

Quote - I'm just wanting to know what to add to my climbing resume !


You're worried about a climbing resume? Wait - you keep a climbing resume?


Oh my gawd

Did I say I was worried? Too much time on my hands I guess! Actually I just like to keep track of what I've done and what I still have to do. [rockband]




[ 10-30-2002, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: CraigA ]

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Wherever you were, it wasn't the West Face. The W Face route can be seen easily from the scree field coming down from the summit horn. It goes right for 50 feet, then up and left up a broken jumble of crappy rock to a belay ledge with fixed pins and slings. The third pitch face climbs on good rock to the right of a prominent white corner. It ends in a loose gully that is ten feet wide and twenty deep. Go up the gully, where it gets steep, go over the right wall, and go up the ridge to the summit. The start is on a mini cleaver, that sticks out quite far from the wall. [sleep]

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Originally posted by CraigA:


Originally posted by Ropegun2002:

Quote - I'm just wanting to know what to add to my climbing resume !


You're worried about a climbing resume? Wait - you keep a climbing resume?


Oh my gawd

Did I say I was worried? Too much time on my hands I guess! Actually I just like to keep track of what I've done and what I still have to do.



yeah and ropegun is sooo much cooler than you...like, oh my gawd [Roll Eyes][Cool]
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