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Kids Ropeup Sept 15-17


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Ok OLY, I am heading to Wenatchee for business Friday and Saturday and cannot bring the kids. Rather than show up for a kid event without kids, I will bail and wish you the best. If however you are in need of gear or belayers for the kids, let me know and I will show up sat night and help out.


Good luck man, I know my kids would have enjoyed the heck out of the weekend.



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Look Ma, 5.8 and no helmet! (I hope Ma doesn't cruise this site)




Hey Bill, got another packet of GU?!




And you thought saving for their College education is a labor of love, try belay slaving




Damn, where did I put that kid?









Another fine time in the Icicle! Great seeing you all there. I sure enjoyed sharing a few beers with everyone. Special thanks to Dave+Melissa Bale, Sean Woods, Viktor Kramar and his wife for the superlative local beta and hospitality thumbs_up.gif


I'm heading to bed now....





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