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Directions to Goldbar Boulders!?


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I just moved back to the Seattle area and have been hearing some about the bouldering in Goldbar. I havn't heard anything except that it's awesome and I need to get up there. I have no clue where they are in Goldbar or how many there are? If anyone could help PM me or just message back. Thanx.

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Turn left off SR 2 at Reiter Road just east of fire station

Go where the road bears hard left (<1 mile) go straight.

Pass a working pit on the right and a huge flat open area smitten with ORV's on the left. Just beyond, at the point where the paved road starts downhill, turn left onto an unpaved road thru an open gate.


Go past powerlines then take first right turn. Two very long switchbacks lead to and through a two year old clear cut to the boulders. There is another gate, probably closed. You will also see the adit to the Copper Belle mine if you are modestly observant.


This is very much bubba-country, but 99.44% of the bubbas are cool...they're just into ORV-ing like you are into climbing.


The boulders and their location are glaringly obvious from the 4 lanes on SR 2 just east of where you turn off.

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The mountainproject.com directions are accurate.


And make sure you write your legislators a letter to encourage them to make sure the state DNR maintains the logging road so climbers can access the boulders and cliffs. The road is deteriorating fast, and the area is slated to become an ORV park. If tax funds are spent for ORVs, it's reasonable to have climbers' interests considered, too.

Edited by jonah
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Thank you to everyone that has replied. I tried to find the boulders on thurs. by using Downfall's directions but never found them. I did get to talk to some pretty cool dirt bikers though. I plan on heading up on monday or maybe tuesday and using MisterMo's directions. Hopefully I'll get better results.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Over the last couple weeks, me and another guy established a few new problems up at these boulders.

Is there anyone out there putting together ANY semblance of a guidebook out there?

The rock is amazing



but the road up there absolutely SUCKS!


There are hundreds of problems up there now, so I would think a guidebook would pop up soon confused.gif

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