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Fossil dump


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Went to Fossil on Sunday it was warm the view of Rainer was killer, just me and my partner were there, Got a wicked pump ...you know ...coming back to Fossil after a long time.... pull'n on those jutting out loose look'n holds makes you pump out ...you just keep hanging on look'n for feet hahaha.gif did not pull anything off.

Oh yeah someone from like Saturday took one hellishus dump under the dry boulders ..looked like a cow patty and they left the TP .. the make shift potty is 25 ft farther dude!!!!

Yo it's chossil but it's close and some of the problems are killer .... why does battle of the buldge seem so hard in the first of the year????

BTW it's chossil and if not for the way cool view of Rainer and being so close to podunk, I would not even drag my fat ass all the way up that approch.... the MT bike ride down is thumbs_up.gif ...there are some cool problems to be had though.

Pure AGAVE cleanes the body, mind and sole bigdrink.gif

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