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thumbs_up.gif Nice, something interesting on the web. Bummer about her bike, I really like her Chernobyl TR.


It is interesting that she says that none of the stuff that last is for sale but then she say that she was hoping to find one of the SS skull rings so she could buy a new one.

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It was quite boring to participate in an election with one candidate from one party, so the turnout was very low. That is, until the local officials hit upon the idea of offering free drinks in return for a vote. This inspired the electorate to become very interested in politics.

yelrotflmao.gif :vodka:


Sometimes I go for rides here in Belorussia. The roads are better and gasoline is cheaper. This country is in good relationship with Russia and isolated from the rest of the world. For many years Belorussia lived under totalitarian regime of their president Lukashenko. He is like Fidel Castro, the perpetual president, just has no beard.




Excitement of riding a motorcycle through the Wolves Land can not be compared with riding a car. On a car, you just a tourist. On motorbike, you are savage, the abuser, the part of a wild life.



Too many funny and/or interesting quotes to even begin to assemble them all here. She sounds like a pretty cool chick.

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Um, good for you.


I've ridden in Seattle for a number of years and only felt like a target once when a guy in an SUV looked me in the eye and continued to merge on top of me. Luckily bikes have better acceleration.


I've got an accelerator, a horn, high beams, and a finger. I'm not afraid to use any of them.

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