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I would guess most of us are happy we weren't born black... that should say enough about this topic. I wouldn't want to be black in America and I'm happy to say that I wasn't. If I had been I would fight for this.. I'm not black and I still will fight for it. If you don't like it fuc' off.

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worth noting too that mlk was not the pure moralist he's often painted as - but then few american heroes, honkozoid or otherwise, tend to live up to the marble edifices chipped into the american psyche. the fbi quotes reported on that website from the alleged gang-bang the night before mlk was killed though are fucking priceless! wish i had time to research the veracity of it all as it's just too goddamn funny to be true.


but fuck all that noise about eliminating the mlk holiday dammit - ya gotta have the extra day for the weekend in winter to get after the fun stuff!

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Eric you teach HS so this should be of the utmost concern to you (o god I sound like marylou rolleyes.gif)

this kinda shit never concerns me (despite having taught a few kids who buy this kinda crap hook, line n' sinker) - morons will exist regardless of how good a job i do of teaching - and as a proper jeffersonian i'm unafraid of any argument, however inane, so long as reason and logic inform the conversation. the problem of course is the people who read a site like this and then never do any of their own thinking on the matter, and have neither a capacity nor an inclination for rational thought - but these people would be a fucking menace in all but the most totalitarian of states. there's nothing to do w/ them but laugh at 'em, maintain a safe distance, milk 'em for tax dollars, and enlist them as cannon fodder whenever we need to go bomb the shit outta some nation full of brown folks smile.gif


to sum up, and i quote jake blues - "i hate illinios nazis!"

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Ivan.. never would I say MLK was god... leave that to the right!.. I will say for whatever it is worth that he did more for people of color than most. That includes most of us!

no argument from me - even if he was as full of shit as bush, and more plagarized to boot, at least his bullshit was sonorous and sublime.

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what's most scary is the little middle school students that I work with daily, researching their MLK projects and they come across a site like this and they think it's legit. It's such bullshit!


Well damn - I thought if you found it on the internet, then it must be true.


Seems to me this is a perfect opportunity for a lesson in "how to do research" for the kiddies.

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what's most scary is the little middle school students that I work with daily, researching their MLK projects and they come across a site like this and they think it's legit. It's such bullshit!


Well damn - I thought if you found it on the internet, then it must be true.


Seems to me this is a perfect opportunity for a lesson in "how to do research" for the kiddies.



far more than in the past, folks gotta be cynical about the information they recieve - used to be shit like that website woulda been in a pamphlet form, printed on cheap, shitty paper and handed out by frightening hoboes, and all that woulda immediately been the tip-off as to the quality of the info- the internet just changes that all.

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