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Concord Tower rappel to Lexington???


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I am lazy and I do not want to rappel down to the

Concord/Liberty Bell col, walk around, and then hike up to the Concord/Lexington col, so I ask this question:


Can a person rappel down from Concord Tower to the Concord/Lexington col? If so does it take more than one double rope rappel?


[ 08-30-2002, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: Stefan ]

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yes it does....2 single rope raps...


but make sure you find the correct rappel slings.....


head south and scramble down a bit and you will find the obvious ones....


sorry i cannot be more descriptive....we used the wrong sckety ones and have only asked my friend since.....


bobbyperu prolly has the good beta

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It is quite possible to rappel into the Concord-Lexington Col off the South Face of Concord. One has the choice of one double rope rap, or some down climbing and two single rope rappels. From the summit of Concord go east along the sharp rock ridge until one can scramble down the slab to the large ledge with a stout tree usually laced with many slings. A double rope rappel will land one in the col.

From Lexington I have seen slings that suggest two single rope rappels are possible if one down climbs the South Face rt. a short ways. I have not tried that descent, so I can't verify it.

I usually have two ropes (8.5 mm) and prefer the double rope rappel.

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We used one 60 m rope and rapped off the S Sides of both Concord and Lexington as part of a traverse 8/17.


The summit of Concord has a funky bolt and 1 inch tree hooked up as a rap anchor. We did not use it. Nor did we use another rap anchor E some 30 feet down on a tree that would have required a rap from the summit to reach. Instead, we downclimbed W slabs to a rap anchor, where one rappel, angling to rapeller's right, gained the Concord/Lex notch.


You did not ask about a rap off the S of Lexington, but with one 60 m rope from an anchor E of the summit, you reach 5.easy rock you can downclimb to the notch, or you will need two ropes. Rapping off the N side appears to be OK with one rope.

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