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Happy Birthday, Bike Guy!


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Ha Ha! All these hardcore biker dudes on the website but it's Dave Shultz that gets the chicks with his biker appeal.


Rock on Dave rockband.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif


Suck it Cobra Commander bitch! moon.gif


Jon you been played! yellaf.gif


And you other biker wannabees moon.gifmoon.gif



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Those aren't lazers, those are real projectile-firing armor-piercing, flesh-ripping bullets. I know on the pussified cartoon version of GI Joe they used the "less offensive" laser and noone ever actually got shot (rememeber all the cobra troops being taken prisoner at the end of each episode?) but in the REAL world of HARD-CORE GI-JOE people really got shot and really died and bled real blood and stuff, MMMMMKAAAY? I know that they showed blood when Serpentor threw his snake cum spear at Duke's heart but c'mon, even the cartoon had jumped the shark by then... I mean SERPENTOR!!!??? what a stupid fucking character.

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