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Bush selects Crony as New Fed Chairman


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The October 15th ed of The Economist covered Alan Greenspan's impending departure, and Mr Bernanke was then already listed as the favored replacement for Mr Greenspan (page 29).


It said

a respected monetary economist, former Fed Governor, and currently chairman of Mr Bush's Council of Economic Advisors (CEA)...He is the best monetary economist of any of the cadidates and was an unusually high profile Fed governor. But he has little policymaking experience and just recently moved to the White House.


While The Economist officially supported another nominee, Don Kohn, on this issue George W Bush made a timely and very acceptable decision to nominate Mr Bernanke.

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Come on folks, Bush selected him.


He was born in the red state of Georgia and grew up in the red state of South Carolina. You know, states where everyone is stooopid. He's a financial contributor to the Republican party.


Where's the terminal indignation and self righteousness?


Where's the hatred and anger?

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Well seeing as a bunch of bushies are about to have their heads handed to them on a platter manyana, a moderate economist in charge of the fed seems alot less offensive thn what could have been, namely a born agin economist who promises that when baby jeeeeezzus comes agin all will be great and we donahafta conserve nothin.

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Come on folks, Bush selected him.


He was born in the red state of Georgia and grew up in the red state of South Carolina. You know, states where everyone is stooopid. He's a financial contributor to the Republican party.


Where's the terminal indignation and self righteousness?


Where's the hatred and anger?


Oh, we have enough faith that his red state ways were thoroughly expunged at Harvard, any lingering maladies were treated at Princeton, and Stanford saw fit to imbue him with Golden State liberalism.

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Come on folks, Bush selected him.


He was born in the red state of Georgia and grew up in the red state of South Carolina. You know, states where everyone is stooopid. He's a financial contributor to the Republican party.


Where's the terminal indignation and self righteousness?


Where's the hatred and anger?

Tom, I am surprised to hear statements like that from you, a son of the South, yourself.
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