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What is the correct start to this route? You can go up a crack just left of the splitter above, traverse in on a flake from the right, or traverse in off jugs from the far left. All three appear to be used.


Is the right crack out? It seams like the 10D grade means you can only climb on the steep thin hands splitter on the left. It is obviously a lot easier if you can bearhug the detached column using the handcrack on the right.


1 star? Come on. That thing is good!

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Thanks for the feedback on La Cucaracha. My guess is that the crack just left of center is correct and the crux of the route is right near the ground.


Some corrections to the guidebook:

1. Gear to 2.5", not 1". There are a couple perfect hand jambs on it.

2. The bottom starts as wide fingers then goes to thin hands. There are no tight thin finger cracks on it.

3. 3 stars quality.




Nice climb, but I don´t no about 3 stars. I thought the bottom overhanging, funky start was harder than the top. Sor sure a nice route, although short. Zig Zag Crack on Alphabet is a better route close to the grade.


Debs Crack is good, but I thought hard. Has anyone tried Willians 12?


For a good destination for harder cracks do Radio Sex, Scholar with a Dolar and Lazy Boy. All really good routes and all next to each other.


Orbit sucks? hmmm, gotta disagree with you there. Deb's and La Cucaracha are of similar ilk, 2 stars seems more than enough for both... Carnival Crack, Leap of Faith, and the Original Route on Warrior Wall are all 2 star 10d's that make both Deb's and LC seem, well, like 1 star routes.


It's awesome that you're amped about it thumbs_up.gif but just tryin to keep it in perspective.



Williams 5.12 is like the easiest 12 ever. Its more like 11b. WTF, even I could top rope it. Therefore it can't be anywhere close to 5.12.


Can you top rope it with 3 feet of slack? Or are we talking about a sport-climber's top rope?


As top ropes go, Willy's Twelve is easier than Doin' The Dishes but I thought it was challenging. Nice work. Deb's Crack is 5.10. It probably goes in double boots.

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