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Oooh. More 'good science' based policy coming!


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Here is another policy initiative coming from BushCo that is bound to be a dismal failure. Fisheries all over the US are collapsing from over fishing, so lets the market drive the boat. Look for large monopolies to form, take over fishing, hire undocumented workers, pay them low wages, and drive the prices up. Its the American way.


Bush Aims for Market Approach to Fishing


By Juliet Eilperin


Everyone agrees that the nation's fisheries management system needs an overhaul. The question is how.


Yesterday the Bush administration took a stab at the problem, sending legislation to Capitol Hill that would create a free-market approach to regulating commercial fishing and revamp the way the government treats depleted fish stocks. Its plan would also collect more scientific and economic data on commercial and recreational fishing.


"Fixing our fisheries is one of the highest priorities for the president," said James L. Connaughton, who chairs the White House Council on Environmental Quality. "There's now a strong consensus to get serious once and for all about this."


The administration's bill would be the biggest change in fisheries management in a decade. It aims to double by 2010 the number of "dedicated access privileges" programs, which allocate shares of each fishery to individual fishermen, who can then can buy and sell their shares. In Alaska, for example, fishermen are granted a portion of the allowed halibut catch and can trade these quotas among themselves; in most U.S. fisheries, regulators govern the annual catch by limiting how many days fishermen operate and how much they collect each trip.


The system has been popular among many Alaska fishermen. Mark Lundsten, a Seattle-based fisheries consultant who caught halibut and black cod for 27 years in Alaska, said the region's market-based rules made halibut fishing "sensibly sustainable" because fishermen could meet their quota over a longer period of time rather than rushing to catch fish in foul weather.


In 1994, the year before Alaska switched to a free-market system, regulators shrank the halibut season to 72 hours to curb overfishing.


Alaska set up a catch share program for halibut in 1995. But the next year, Congress imposed a moratorium on other states setting up such a system. This ban expired in 2001, and now several regional fishing councils, overseeing stocks ranging from grouper in the Southeast to Pacific groundfish, hope to adopt programs similar to Alaska's.


But the move to give fishermen private property rights to a public resource, along with the administration's overfishing plan, angered many environmentalists who say Bush's proposal does not do enough to protect overexploited fish stocks.


Lee Crockett, executive director of the Marine Fish Conservation Network, said management councils are planning to adopt market-based systems, such as the Gulf of Mexico's red snapper fishery, in areas that are overfished. If regulators accommodate every red snapper fisherman, he said, it will be impossible to restore the ecosystem's health.


"You're locking in this stuff, and good luck trying to change it," Crockett said. "Congress needs to have further standards in place to make sure these management tools work right."


But the Environmental Defense Fund's David H. Festa said catch shares give industry an economic incentive to protect fisheries.


"It's probably the single largest change we can make that will advance conservation," he said. "This is a messy process, but it's going forward."


The administration's proposed rules would halt overfishing two years after adopting a management plan, as opposed to the current law's vague exhortation to "prevent overfishing." That, too, has sparked debate among ocean advocates. Sarah Chasis of the Natural Resources Defense Council said the rule could allow overfishing of a depleted stock to continue for five or six years, because regional councils take so long to adopt new management plans.


But Bill Hogarth, who directs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service, said the agency has limited overfishing to "make it time-certain. That's a big deal."


Marine Conservation Alliance Executive Director David Benton, who represents Alaska's groundfish and shellfish industry, lauded the plan's call for more scientific data but questioned why it did not limit the total fish catch to what scientists say is biologically sustainable. "In some places it's a good first step," he said. "There's a lot of work that needs to be done."


Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is drafting his own fisheries bill along with panel Democrats and hopes to take up both proposals next month.

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This type of program has worked in other situations. It helped many companies in the 90's cut air pollution. Companies were able to buy/sell shares of "pollutant" allowances. These allowances were limited, so they were expensive. As was more cost effective for larger companies to fit their factories with air cleaners (big catalytic converters basically), they did so. This freed up more allowances which they sold to other companies. Each year the total allowances available was lowered. The pollution level also lowered during this time.


So I don't understand this:

But the move to give fishermen private property rights to a public resource, along with the administration's overfishing plan, angered many environmentalists who say Bush's proposal does not do enough to protect overexploited fish stocks.


Isn't air a public resource? The gov't managed it like a private resource and improved the situation. Sure, it didn't fix everything, but least it was a start. Why don't folks let this program have a start--it is better than doing nothing while arguing about the situation. Isn't it?

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That might be because the current administration hasn't shown itself to be a friend of the environment, despite rhetoric to the contrary. If we should trust them so much, and if it's so effective, why has BushCo been trying to gut the Clean Air Act from Day 1?


Have I ever, ever, ever posted anything on this board that implored people to trust the government?



Do I sound like a pro-Bush supporter to you?


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Bush lusts for the day when he can hand over the "breathable air" industry to his buddies. His daydream probably looks something like the movie "Total Recall" but with dick cheney playing the guy who controls the air fans and with poor people and minorities replacing the mutants.

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actually, i think my wife should be president. not being a native english speaker, she often makes bon mots such as:


Sexgiving (Thanksgiving)

Dick Chimney (Dick Cheney)

Cooling Moose (Cunnilingus)


and so on and so forth. I'd definitely listen to her speaches, if for no other reason than the entertainment value.

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actually, i think my wife should be president. not being a native english speaker, she often makes bon mots such as:


Sexgiving (Thanksgiving)

Dick Chimney (Dick Cheney)

Cooling Moose (Cunnilingus)


and so on and so forth. I'd definitely listen to her speaches, if for no other reason than the entertainment value.


Doesn't our current president already do this?


"I mean, if you've ever been a governor of a state, you understand the vast potential of broadband technology, you understand how hard it is to make sure that physics, for example, is taught in every classroom in the state. It's difficult to do. It's, like, cost-prohibitive."—Washington, D.C., June 24, 2004


I'd be curious though, on how our commander in chief would pronounce "Cooling Moose" though.

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Let's treat air like a private resource and Dru's Air Co. will charge you 50 cents per breath.


Guess you should have gone long in the futures market. Our refinery packed it in and we are raising the ppb (price per breath) to $0.69 effective immediately.


No hoarding! hahaha.gif

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