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It's concert season again at Frenchman's Coulee and the toilets are overflowing. A huge pile of garbage is stacked next to them. I get so tired of it. I wish there was some way deal with it. What if it were made a State Park? I'd gladly pay a few dollars to be able to camp and climb in a clean and sanitary place. I'm sure the idea would go over like a lead balloon.


For my part, I cleaned up the camp site I used and the two or three nearby, filling a garbage sack, which I brought home with me.

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I'v picked up and hauled out giant garbadge bags of trash there as well. It's good to be a citizen and clean the area up, but it dosen't seem to solve any problems. Maybe if we all left the trash (left by concert goers) as is the place would get really dirty and skanky and the Fish and Wildlife guys will realize theres a problem.

Maybe if we all left the trash (left by concert goers) as is the place would get really dirty and skanky and the Fish and Wildlife guys will realize theres a problem.


or close it for everyone. wave.gif

I think that they should ban camping in the coulee.
That seems like throwing out the baby with the bath water. If I didn't like camping there I'd already be using Wanapum State Park. I like the convenience of being able to walk from camp to crag.


What we have is a case of the tragedy of the commons. The concert goers don't give a shit about the place even though the climbers do.


I'm not a fan of permits, regulations, and fees when it comes to the outdoors, but I feel strongly about Frenchman Coulee. The Coulee has been viewed as a dump since Highway 10 was first put in. (Take a look over the roadside if you wanna see some real trash!) The only way to solve the problems is to enforce restrictions. Maybe enact a permit system similar to the enchantments, or just close it down completely?, which would be easiest. Nah, I would rather they just do the smart, simple, reasonable thing and eliminate camping; which would instantly fix 99% of The Coulee's problems. Campers are the ones doing the most damage; and its not just concert goers who abuse the land, climbers are doing it to. It’s important to find a balance. On one extreme we could open up the land to everyone and have it be a lawless place. Imagine climbing on Sunshine Wall with dirt bikes roaring below. On the other extreme you could completely close it down to everyone and we would all loose a special place. I see eliminating camping as the balance. It would be a small sacrifice with huge effects in the right direction. tongue.gif


cbs- Gyselinck lives in redmond. Read his Loc.



I think they should ban camping there too. However, enforcing that would be costly and not feasible for an already tapped government agency. I could see them just gating the area completely. Sometimes the county closes the coulee to all visitors during concerts; I once drove from Ltown to climb, only to turn around and go home, pissed but what can you do?


In the past decade, climber abuse has noticeabley increased in the coulee. I have witnessed this and have become jaded towards Frenchman's due this reason. Also, gys is right about dumping occurring pre-climbing area.


As usual rolleyes.gif a lot of spray... get involved...learn to share your space... the gorge concerts = $$$ for F&W ... there is a lot more to it , F&W has talked about closeing the car camping also the road and property were all the trash is over the bank is not F&W pro..


If you think I am going to lay down and give up my climbing and camping the_finger.gif


So I expect to see you sprayers at the upcomeing clean up ..right????? wave.gifLUCKY


Forceing no camping would not be costly, just start throwing down the tickets. wink.gif


But, as far as no camping...That won't happen any time soon, probably never. I just think that it should be done and still do, no matter what any of you say.


Gating the area, no, they can't do that and it will never happen, ever.


The county never closes the coulee to all visitors doing concerts, and there is no such gate at the head of the Coulee. My parents have a vacation house less then 5 miles from there. I have spent lots of time there during summers and all my life have only seen it closed twice due to fires. WHen I was little we would go there every single weekend.


Lucky, you are saying the trash over the bank is not what?? Trash is trash, and it is F&W property if thats what your saying it isnt.


As for gettig involved and being at the up coming clean up. We'll see, if I have time and can get a ride I would like to be there. Thanks for the heads up.

The county never closes the coulee to all visitors doing concerts, and there is no such gate at the head of the Coulee.

craig, are you saying my friends and I about 10 years ago imagined driving from leavenworth, got to the turn by the old "gas station" (long since fell down and removed) on old vantage highway and were not told by the three patrol cars to go home as 'there is no camping or climbing or plain 'ole driving past us down here this weekend?'

perhaps you just were not there that weekend, or your memory is fading old man.

and where is there a gate mentioned as currently being there? my statement meant I can see it happening in the future...


Yo buttwarts and guysulick yelrotflmao.gif see the attachment on the header, I missed all the spray today, I was work'n 500 ft up on a tower on the new narrows bridge

I have reserched all the property owners partical# and tax worth of the property around the coulee and F&W money lease deal for the gorge property.

So when your done spray'n and want to come to a clean up or join the FCCC or just get involved in the real deal instead of punching keys to see yourself in print let me know.

Truely I don't mean to troll you, but when I get lit on a friday night I tend to run my fingers across the keyboard myself also. bigdrink.gif

dudes your getting like PP and just rambling yellowsleep.gif , stop strok'n yelrotflmao.gif your chicken




The ones suggesting the closeing the coulee to camping don't camp, party, and climb every weekend . We all know how much time I spend there bigdrink.gif

If I were selfish ,I would say I don't go to concerts at the gorge so close the gorge concerts , that is the biggest threat to the enviornment at the coulee.

But hey everyone has a right to have a good time bigdrink.gif


Lucky, when did I spray?

you are the one spraying.


Furthermore, I used to go to the coulee quite often (camping, climbing and partying) but as I said before, the amount of climber abuse had disEnchanted me.

I am sticking to the statement about camping there only due to this over-abuse the area has experienced. Perhaps it is time to explore new areas in the greater basaltic scabland.


BTW- gys, seriously, I once saw dirtbikes below sunshine wall. was that you pre-climbing days?


gyselinck wrote:

Frenchman Coulee is a loose pile of ugly shit. Why anyone want to climb there is behond me. smileysex5.gif


but he also wrote this in another thread in the Climbing Partners forum:

Late night cragging runs to Vantage became the norm. It would be rad if we could do this again.


WTF?? Two sides, same mouth?

Not trying to slag here, but consistency is a trait to be admired.


No, its an attempt to change the subject. This thread went from trash talk to ego boosting. I'am better then you, no im better. No, Im better then all of you. Your all stupid. No, just your stupid. It was fun while the rain lasted. yellaf.gif


The weather was great this weekend, the trash is gone, only a few people camping and climbing bigdrink.gif.

It just doesn't get any better, dang I love that place thumbs_up.gif

see attachment on the header thumbs_up.gif


Lucky, did you just write that for this occasion?

No Mary is the poet, she wrote it years ago when walls were being stripped of bolts and she put up the climb

Oh coulee Oh Coulee

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