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Islamist Fanatic or Anti-Globalization Activist?


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I read this entire thread and wondered:


Why do we automatically HATE someone, simply because their ideas are different from ours? IT took only 3 posts before the personal attacks were unleashed. Trust me, I've unleashed my own share in recent memory. But I'm through with that.


I feel much better by the way!!!


Something to think about...


Why have we spilled so much blood when all we had to do was realize we are all human beings with the same basic needs and desires? Especially in this day and age, there is theoretically enough resources to go around for EVERY single living person. No exaggeration. It seems to me that the problem is fear. The rich are afraid to lose their power and become subjugated by those just like them. The poor are afraid they will be killed by the rich if they step out of line.


The poor fear the rich. The Rich fear the rich. But they also fear the poor (due to their numbers and their desperation).


So where is the love?


Well, its everywhere. You just dont "hear" about it. Why? Why dont we see all the acts of kindness on the news? How about we begin to focus on that? I'm a lover, not a fighter. Well, I'm trying anyway.


Quite a mess. Let's tidy it up, eh? Think globally, act locally.


Drop the cynicism, drop the weapons, drop the fistfulls of dollars, drop the worries, drop your attachments to meaningless things, drop the negativity,drop the hatered, drop the acid.


All we have in this world is each other.

Have you ever heard of a happy hermit? Why do we isolate ourselves? Why do we build fences to block off our neighbors? Why do we repeat the words of others without thinking them thru first? Why do we think that killing will bring about lasting peace? If this were true, war would have ended in this century.


While open war between countries is less frequent today, you have other wars: Those of ideology, terrorism (which is commited by institutions on a far greater scale than by individuals), wars on drugs, wars on freedom of expression, wars on wars, wars on trade, wars on political systems, wars on relious differences, wars on information, wars on sexuality, wars on the "truth", wars on happiness, etc.


Most of these wars serve one purpose. To perpetuate hate and war. The worst virus mankind has ever seen is its own hate. "The Matrix" has been here for some time. Who knows for how long?


But dont fear my words. Think about them. Take courage. There are many of us awakening to the truth. It can only hold us enslaved for so long.


And so it continues...


Now who wants a hug? wave.gifmushsmile.gif


Dont be fooled by the hatred.


Question everything. There is almost always a better way.

Edited by SemoreJugs
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Actually, I've always thought that JayB has had some of the better formed arguments on this board. Not that I agree with it all, or care to engage in a serious argument in this venue, but....

You want weightier conversation in Spray.

You don't want serious conversation in Spray.

You do.

You don't.

You Putz.




Oh, and I agree with Senore Jugs

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attacks were unleashed within a few posts because the purpose of the thread itself is an attack on progressives. it's standard JayB's slime tactics. it amounts to "antiglobalization" types are the allies of islamofascists because "see they say the same thing". as i have pointed out, the speaker was born and raised in the UK so it should not be too surprising that his rhetoric be somewhat similar to that of western "anti-globalization" types.

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