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My rant for the day


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So, I'm driving down the road on my way to my parents' house and there's this rock crushing outfit on the side of the road. I've always though it was one of those... um, you know, Tony Soprano type outfits that covers for the local mafia. Anyway, they crush rock, recycle bricks and probably dispose of a few bodies every so often. I'm doing about 50 and all of a sudden I hear this big bang, I feel pin pricks on the side of my face, and a chunk of rock the size of my fist whizzes though the passenger side window and crashes onto my dashboard. I pass two kids walking down the road and almost hit one. I'm thinking, what the fuck!


I dial 911, get the runaround and end up on hold for a "non-emergency" operator. Ten minutes later an operator finally answers, and I explain the situation. I'm told it's a non-police matter, It's an act of god. I reply, if a meteor falls out of the sky, through my sunroof and onto my dashboard, it's an act of god, but this is clearly a negligent business operator playing with explosives and being a hazard in public space. I ask, isn't there something the police should do to keep rock shrapnel from taking some kid's head off as they walk home from library? I mean if I were playing with explosives at home and a chunk of flower pot shot into my neighbor's yard, I'm pretty fucking sure the police would be knocking on my door. I'm told it's a civil matter and I could complain to the Better Business Bureau about it.


Am I crazy, or what? madgo_ron.gif

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i can't believe the police wouldn't get involved. would they not even let you file a police report???


"It's an act of god... It's not a police matter, it's a civil matter... You can report the issue to the Better Business Bureau."


I hate this line, but is this where our taxes go? madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif

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If you know the name of the business you can find their contractor number and from there you can file a complaint with the state. They are liable to the damages to your car (obviously) and very well could get a fine from the state. That is if you want the mofia after you.

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Next time call OSHA. They'll be out there in a jiffy and shuttin' those bitches down. They LIVE for that shit.


E-Rock is on the money. Call up OSHA. They'll shut those guys down in a blink. Any organized labor like that and OSHA keeps really close tabs.


And I can't believe they wouldn't let you file a police report. They may discourage you, try to talk you out of it, but don't let them. Your valuable personal property was damaged and you were injured. You need to memorialize the incident.


Lastly, I don't know if this was a private outfit working for the county, or a county crew. Either way you ought to call up your county public works dept and complain. And then work your way up the chain.


All else fails, call the TV news - just don't clean up the mess before the cameras show up.


Good luck.

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are you sure the kids didn't pick up the rock and huck it thru your window?


and....It sounds to me like that 911 operator doesn't want to get a call if you witness that flaming meteorite crash into a preschool, since they don't respond to acts of god (or goddess).

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