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Climb: Mount Stuart-Cascadian Couloir


Date of Climb: 6/28/2005


Trip Report:

It’s been a while since I have been on Mount Stuart and I was itching to get out. Tuesday night L0ngpause and I made plans to do a car-car climb of Stuart’s West Ridge. We carefully planned every detail; picking the perfect gear, studied route topo’s, and tried to get early sleep. Actually not…I don’t think L0ngpause slept a wink and decided to pack, as did I, at 2:30 in the morning. Right before we went out the door I tried to “memorize” the route as described in Beckey. Being in such a sleepy state often leads to forgetting the essentials. For example, I forgot to bring a shirt. After downing some hot drinks we were out the door and hiking up the Ingalls Lake Trailhead by 5:00. Weather was shitty, lots of low cloud cover. We made good time past the lake and soon began looking for the infamous W. Ridge. But, we had some minor difficulties; I couldn’t recognize a damn thing in the clouds. I had never been on the S. Side of Stuart before. We continued to look for the ridge in the soup and eventually found a cairn heading in the right direction, of course this was it; we finally found the W. Ridge. We began hiking up a gulley with low visibility, about 25 feet. The gulley consisted of lots of loose boulders and sand, which was a ton of fun to walk on. The gulley kept going and going and I began to wonder where we were, still I couldn’t see a thing. After what seemed like an eternity of hiking I was surprised to hear what I thought was people. At last we were getting close to the W. Ridge. I rounded a corner and there sat a man and his young daughter. I stood there baffled and asked where we were. “The Cascadian Couloir,” he said with a strange look on his face. Shit! So we continued to the top via the Cascadian. Whoohooo!!!


Route is mostly rock, bring an axe (no crampons), very dusty and dirty.


Gear Notes:

Lots of cheese


Approach Notes:

Trails went fast, no snow

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Wait, I am confused...how in the heck did you get from Ingalls Lake to the Cascadian Coulior?? They are nowhere near eachother. In any event, that is a damn funny TR smile.gif, but I am just a bit confused.

Wait, I am confused...how in the heck did you get from Ingalls Lake to the Cascadian Coulior?? They are nowhere near eachother.


I don't know?? blush.gif


you guys did the west ridge via the cascadian in record time!




17 hours baby fruit.gif. At least we didn't descend the Sherpa on accident. That would suck to end up on the wrong side of the mountain. moon.gif


The West Ridge via the Cascadian in frickin record time!!! ahhhahaha. The summit nap was the best part!

oh well craig, at least we got a good hike, at least we got out, yeah, at least we got a little excercise, hey, at least we could get out and get some fresh air fruit.gif

hey gyselinck, what did you think of the descent? How did you cut yourself? you were dripping pretty good when I saw you. crazy.gif


Descent sucked. Are you making fun of us for getting lost in the soup and having to make a few raps? The rope I carried to the top came in handy cantfocus.gif. Were you the one we talked to near the summit? L0ngpause mistook my hand for a chunk of cheese and took a big bite. Good to meet some other cc people. Freaking Cascadian Couloir, I hate that thing. If I would have known we were so close to the W. Ridge of Sherpa I would have gone for that instead, looks cool.


she looked hungry! yeah that was me on that big rock, I didn't pack gaitors and had two boots full of snow.

I had a hunch that you two were cc people, I should have introduced myself. you made it to the parking lot just before dark huh? not us...we were another 30 or so minutes after you passed us


CRAIG where is my phone call. A freind and i may do the sunset ridge or the central mowich face on rainier for the 4th. That is if the weather is good. You should call me and maybe i will let you come.


Nicely done.

standing on the summit is always better than the option of not going.

Stuart is on my hit list.

Next time I am out I will be sure to pull over and allow you to pass. Look out for me, I am the fat old man.

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