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opal creek wall

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I have not done any climbing up there but I have spent some time hiking and kayaking in the area. I can’t give you anything too specific but here is what I remember. On the drive up to the trail head, close to the end of the road you get some good views of the canyon. I remember seeing some formations on the across the canyon (south) that looked like some of the formations in the Menagerie. They where much more spread out than the Menagerie and I think access would be much more difficult. I don’t remember seeing anything too large but it was a cloudy day and my memory is a little foggy. Another place that I found was called something like three pools (cant remember the name for sure). About three or four miles before the end of the road to the trailhead there is a sign for the area and a road to the right. Follow this to three pools. If I don’t screw this up, below is a poor picture of a little tower next to the river. I could see some fixed pins and an anchor on top form the river. You will have to cross the river to get to it. I have also heard rumors about the Opal Creek Wall. A friend of a friend of a friend kind of thing so take it for what it is worth. I hear it is 3 or 4 pitches and there is a very big roof. There is some hard free climbing and aid on it. On one of my kayak trips I remember seeing something that may fit that description. I remember I was a mile or two above three pools (or what ever that place was called). I was looking up river and saw a good sized wall on the north side of the canyon quite a ways off the river. If I had to make a guess I would say it was somewhere relatively close to the main trailhead. I would bet if you where to take a day with a few good USGS maps of the area, binoculars and a full tank of gas you could find a couple places worth exploring. If you go I would love to hear a TR.


Good Luck



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The rock is very compact and offers little pro outside of the main crack systems( of whic there are very few) .

The wall is 85-95 degrees steep and is 3-5 pitches tall with a rounding off top. The approach os a grunt and there wont be much in the way of aid lines outside of hooks. It would be a sport paradise though but for the hieght and the approach

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