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Any news of climber who fell near bathtub-condor area ?


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Around 3:00 or so my partners saw him cartwheel down the face, hit the ground and he was out cold. After a moment he came to and my partners helped him, I guess others took some gear down for him.

Amazingly, he got it together enough to walk and his partner helped him out.

One of my partner's came into work this morning all bummed out about it. So that is how i learned about it.

I had spoke with the party of the climber who fell earlier. In that discussion I learned that they watched this site.

In any event I was sorry to hear about the accident this morning. Seemed like a nice fellow, and I just wanted to see that he made it OK.


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My friends and I carried the gear of a climber who may have broken his ankle/foot down from Bathtub dome late sunday afternoon. He had been climbing next to us on Bathtub. We did not see or hear a fall. We came apon the injuried climber a little ways below the dome as we started down to the car. Others had helped to immobilize his foot. I think I overheard him say he slipped while down climbing/scrambling. I watched him begin his descent of the trail with his partners help before passing them on my way down. We deposited there packs in the back of their truck but did not wait. It looked like he was in for a very difficult and slow hike/slide/crawl down.

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Okay, it was me. I was going to post yesterday, but I spaced it. First, I want to thank all of the climbers and my friend Adam that were there and helped me out, it goes to show that in a time of need we all help each other out.

Here's what happened: I was descending a steep gully to the right of Bathtub Dome, the gully had some loose rock and was wet so I was trying to be careful. I had my left foot and left hand on a good hold and I put my right foot on a small hold that had moss on it. I had not planned to put much weight on it, but when I moved my right hand to grab a flake, my left hand came off and I barn doored. I tried to grab something as I was going down, but it was no use. I never blacked out, I could see everything as I cartwheeled down the gully. I felt my head slam into rock twice and actually saw my right ankle fold in as it hit a rock before I finally came to a stop about 40 or 50 feet down from where I slipped. I am amazed and really lucky that I did not receive more serious injuries. I did not break my ankle and the cuts in my head only needed one stitch each. That's about it, I will of course be more cautious when descending, as we all know that's when most accidents happen. I also plan to submit my accident to Accidents of North American Mountaineering. This is my first serious accident in almost 10 years of climbing.

The best news of that day, I did not get one tick on me! I still think I am immune!

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Wow, I was descending the same gully right of Bathtub on Saturday. My feet were slipping all over the place in my rock shoes and I had this terrible feeling with all the loose rock and sand that it was only a matter of time before I went for a ride.

We opted to climb out of the gully and farther right where there is a big bomber tree with two very nice new slings.(can see these from top of dome) You can make a single rap down to a ledge and traverse back to the base of the upper tier of bathtub.

Glad you wern't seriously hurt!

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sorry to hear about your accident, I came down behind you guy's after I wrapped up.

You had already moved on to Bathtub by the time I got down to the lower routes.

Steve had mentioned that you guy's headed over there just before I came along on the trail on my way to the car.

I was really bummed out to hear you got hurt when I came into work the next morning.

Steve (the skinny guy on rappel) saw you doing cartwheels down the thing with a birds eye view of it.

It made him scary sick just watching. he said you looked like a rag doll tumbling, and everytime you hit it was on your shoulder head down.

They were pretty relived that you were alive.

Bravo! I know that you do not post here often, but it was the only way I knew to check on you!

Sorry for the pub.

I passed the word along that your OK.

thanks for getting back!

P.S. we got 4 ticks!

see ya



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