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Liberal media? Where?


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Only 'activist' scientists would be so bold as to say that shrinking polar ice caps are 'either a natural regional effect or the result of human induced climate change'. Damn librul poindexters always blaming humans! They must hate America! Clearly they have an agenda!



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Liberal media? It amazes me how the media is called liberal. There has not been a liberal media since the 60's, and the only reason there was a liberal media then was because of an trend towards liberal ideas in the younger adults. Most of those liberal folks have left the ranks and are quite conservative. I remember the first earth day in 1970, and looked at it again yesterday. What a joke! This country has gone so far in the opposite direction of the goals of earth day that it boggles the mind. Who would have imagined all the SUVs and the humdinger of a hummer guzzling our gas? No, media is not liberal, it is after a sensational story, to sell advertizing. Some of the extreme right wing are offended when they get caught by the media, but the media is only after a good story. Anyone listen to talk radio and think it is liberal? Give me a break.

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I'm so sick of this.


The media is only as liberal as the conservative companies that own them.


Every reporter gets their talking points from the big black building in New York where "The Media" is headquartered. It comes in the daily memo. They're all told exactly what to say and how to slant their stories. Don't you see? It's a giant conspiracy. The memo from "The Media" exists so they're all on the same page.


They're all the same. Group them together. Brilliant.

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I don't care whether they are left, right, or centrist. The media problem is one of whorishness. The recent hubub about the terminology...personal/private accounts and nuclear option....is one example. GOP coined "nuclear option" and were actively using it until they found it didn't poll well. Then they pressed the meme' that it was really the Dems' term, prefering to use "constitutional option". Ditto with the private accounts. Didn't poll well, so you see, really they are "personal accounts" it's was those nasty Dems that call them "private". The MSM happily swallowed the jizz and wiped their chins begging for more. Whores.


The growth of the cable news pundit shows are one contributor. They go beyond blurring opinion and reporting.


I hope you are able to duck to pimp Barkernewsguy, and I'm sure your intent is honorable.


What about this: FOIA requests for White House entry/exit log show that ol Jimmy-Jeff Gannon-Guckert (you know the guy, the gay prostitute who was hanging around the White House as part of the press corp, using a day pass for months and writing for the TalonNews.com GOP sponsored "news" organization). Well, seems ol Jimmy-Jeff aka "Bulldog 8 inches, cut" turned up at the WhiteHouse on many many days when there were no press briefings, when Bush was in Crawford, didn't always sign in or sign out.


These FOIA'ed docs were offered to the WashPost, who declined saying basically, "oh, we're done with the Guckert angle".


Now, hold on a minute. The "values" administration who based an electoral strategy on stirring up the mouthbreaters who "hate me some fags" , has a gay hooker with free roam in the WHite House? A guy who advertised his services on the web, complete with customer testimonials (top only!), who works for a fake news organization, is paid by a GOP operative, lobs softballs at Bush, worked off a day pass for months, and who entry logs show either skirted security or had special access (did he spend the night?). This is not a story? The vehemently anti-gay wingers have planted a "dick for hire" in the press corp, and nobody finds this hypocritical or even interesting?


Little Scotty McClellan is taking some man meat in the Lincoln bedroom and there's no story there?


If you are sick of it, maybe the media critics have finally been heard. Now maybe DO something about it. It isn't a matter of ideology (with the exception of partisan outlets like FOX or AirAmerica), but one of failing to draw distinction. The reporting has become, "he said this, but she counters with this...now you go figure out which is right".


90+% of people don't have the time to "go figure out which side is correct", that's why they tune into the news.

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Amen, brother Will! And then there's the sensationalism side of the coin, where so-called news agencies spend an extreme amount of time covering celebrity trials of the day like Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, etc almost exclusively. Much of the media gave up reporting and investigation for infotainment and ratings long ago. It's not bias, it's profit motive.

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