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Sculptures at MilePost 62


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No shit! Every time Dr. and Mrs. Flash Amazing drive by that thing, we shake our heads and wonder what that crap is. No indication of what four pieces of monumental sculpture are doing there on the side of the freeway. Are they commemorative of something? Purely aesthetic? And whoever installed it needs a good talking to, 'cause it's a really boring, poorly composed installation. "Oh, let's put these three tall things in a row here, and then we'll plunk this big eagle in a Plexiglas box down over here facing the road, and fire big spotlights at all of it at night. And how 'bout some flagpoles thrown in for good measure?" It looks like a bunch of stuff that's been tossed into someone's garage or something.

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Sculptures are dedicated to:


Mother Theresa

Victims of the Holocaust

Native Americans



A M E R I C A ! ! !


It's how rich Christians put their millions of dollars to work for the poor and downtrodden. Just think of all the uplifted spirits!





Personally, I like the "Uncle Sam Says: ___________" billboard better.

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