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The Traveling Dan Rather


Dan Rather of CBS news was seated next to little Tommy on the plane when

Rather turned to the boy and said, "Let's talk, I've heard that flights

go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passengers."


Little Tommy, who had just opened his book, closed it slowly, and said

to Rather, "What would you like to discuss?"


"Oh, I don't know" said Rather, "How about politics? Should we keep Bush

as president or elect Kerry?"


"OK" said Little Tommy, "That could be an interesting topic but let me

ask you a question first. A horse, a cow and a deer all eat grass. The

same stuff. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out

flat patties, and a horse excretes clumps of dried grass. Why do you

think that is?"


"Jeez" said Rather, "I have no idea."


"Well then" said Little Tommy, "How is it you feel qualified to discuss

who should run this country when you don't know shit." yelrotflmao.gif


link ain't working, ya slimy mollusk!! wazzup.gif


yeah i dunno Scott I think the Bush Daughters are just a tad hotter.. tho I'll admit, probably just a tad less brainy (hard to say tho... haven't seen Alex Kerry speak yet).


actually (ha ha) the only time I think I ever saw the Bush daughters speak was when they did at the GOP convention. kinda funny how the one which seemed a little more ditsy ...(can never remember which one's Jenna and which one's Barbara) ... anyway, the ditsier one looked a lot like her dad and the smarter-seeming one didn't seem to look like her dad much.


hmmm... different fathers, perhaps? blush.gif


OK, finally figured out the problem (just a littl ditsy over here this sunday morning).. one too many Hs in start of URL.


yeah so the one who looks like daddy is Jenna, and the other one is called, well, "The Other One" .. on that site at least. confused.gifyellaf.gif

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